
He looks as if he just backed up while his photo was taken and tore the door off his daily driver. Hilarity ensues.

That sugar content will rot your teeth

The most important crew member, Mr. Prostitute

Wait for the orange stain in the Pacific when CA slides into the ocean. Save the sexy sexy whales with the guido tans!

Apple employees could tell you stories if it weren't for the secrecy agreements and the hanging by your thumbs in Apple iPrison.

Biggest problem is remembering to wear pants. Hi MOM!

Am I wrong that I wanted the bad guy to kill the pompous ass, Tony Stark. His character is a total douche that causes most of the problems he supposedly is trying to stop.

And yet they couldn't protect a simple 2m butthole.

Used car dealers use this kind of "detailing" all the time. Park it in the sun for couple days and you got a terrarium.

When comparing his philanthropy, he makes Bill Gates look like the Pope. He gave nothing back to society in charity once he made his triumphant return to Apple. True capitalist with the heart of miser and patent troll.


I have to ask since the niceties must be observed, red, rosé or white wine with the meal?

Why because he IS the Kwisatz Haderach!

SO, a 12 year old, 6' 4" big-boned portly fat kid with a tiny head get porn or no? Not following.

Contrary to a lot of Apple users... Steve did not invent the wheel, fire or raise the dead, one or two Apple employees MAY have done some of it for him. The biggest compliment I can give him is he (his employees) was SUCCESSFULLY ahead of several tech curves and was able to charge big bucks for them and to get brand

Amen, people that leave means BoA gets zip. Let them raise to $100/mo they won't get a cent of my money.

You don't work in higher ed. How about dropping a student for not showing for 7 weeks out of 15, then having to call security to escort them out of the class because you won't sign a reinstatement form while they are cursing you? That's someone with upper management written ALL over them.

It costs a hundred more and goes to "11" so you must buy one.

Well if only 6 companies are making injected drugs I'd say several things may be going on: they either can't/won't compete, can't afford the liability of making the drug and the risk of lawsuit, or few patients can afford the cost with or without insurance. None of these issues is addressed in the Obama health plan.

I've just been dealing with headhunter with a RESTRICTED number- WTH? Leaving a message and rattling off their number in a voicemail I can't understand wasn't working. It took a month to finally get to talk a person on the phone and they had my email and resume to see my whole contact info. What a grab ass.