
I would buy them just to be haunted by Capote. Can you imagine how witty and bitchy he is?

He told me that during the day, a lot of the queens from Jacques’ work at a costume store called Dorothy’s and it sounds amazing. I want to just spend all day there watching everything.

Neither. I want to be an actor in something by Marvel because that’s where there’s money and critical acclaim.

I’ve often wondered who buys Damien Hirst’s art (aside from George Michaels) and of course the answer is Jared Leto.

Also, is it even a real print? It looks like a poster you would buy in the gift shop.

I think it’s more that they should be able to recognize them. But they do encourage parents to teach their kids how to write their names and numbers 1-20 before school starts.

I feel kind of bad for him. Like, I imagine him, many decades from now, as Whatever Happened to Nevermind Baby Jane? sharing a derelict mansion with the Blind Melon Bee Girl.

You’re welcome. I will add, the little rubber grips that you can buy in multipacks, they look kind of “gummy-ish” is the only way I can describe them, they did nothing for me, personally.

When you go to register your kid for Kindergarten here, they actually give you a list of words they want your kid to be familiar with by the time school starts.

I have minor cerebral palsy and had these problems as a kid. Writing grips helped. I had several that my mom and the school bought for me. I can’t really remember any brands. I remember that my favorite had a wire inside, so it was flexible, and I could just wrap around whatever I was writing with like a snake. I used

It’s really funny how it became this wonderfully sad film. The studio sent the director this memo where they said; “You can’t have animal mutilation because that will distribution in England. You can’t have mad scientists cause that will hurt distribution in German. etc.” And so they had to completely shift things

So, I’ve said this elsewhere, I have a close friend who knew Katya before she was famous. It’s kind of funny because, long before she was on Drag Race, he used to tell me stories about hanging out with Katya, a drag queen who performed as this crazy Russian prostitute and did gymnastics, and how she has the kind of

If you enjoy Les Diaboliques you might want to give Eyes Without a Face a shot. Assuming you’ve not seen it before.

It’s another classic French film. I even think the same script writing team, Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac, adapted Les Diaboliques and Eyes Without a Face from their source material (they also

Me too. It was three films recorded to one of those 6 hour VHS tapes, the cousin who made the tape for them even signed her name to it. I remember some of the plots. One was about a wholesome college student in Los Angeles who gets hit on the head by a falling branch and becomes sex hungry rock groupie. The other was

Medicom Toy Co. actually mass produced them with Makkink a few years ago. I didn’t get “Rocking Machine” but I have “Christ Unlimited”.

That sounds amazing and I want one. There are scenarios where I think it would be fine to display phallic art. Like, you own one of Herman Makkink’s “Rocking Machines” aka the big white cock statue Alex uses to murder that old lady in A Clockwork Orange. They were good enough for the Romans and Catherine the Great.

Oh good, this is the thread for me to get it all out.

When I was 8, I was rummaging through the top drawer of my parents’ wardrobe. I found this bright pink, novelty pencil topper of a little hillbilly man with an oversized erection. Years later, while rummaging through my sisters drawers, I would find a similar

And you’ve fattened them up, so they’re less Eraserhead-baby and more Stay Puft Marshmellow Man.

From what I remember, at least one of Gacy’s victims worked for him and lived in the same neighborhood, and he attempted to kill a kid who was renting a room from him. They weren’t all anonymous.

But this isn’t a simple case. There’s so many weird things. For example, the ransom note.

I believe that the family’s housekeeper has said that they didn’t wash the underpants and they were put into Jonbenet’s drawer straight out of the package.