
yeah I love a good conspiracy theory but pizzagate was hard to get into even on a hate-reading level because it was actually so confusing and ridiculous. there are so many layers of bullshit and different people being dragged into it with such weird proof, trying to follow it is impossible. And thats when I realized

“Pizzagate” is a bizarre conspiracy theory. I heard a bit about it online a little while ago, so I Googled it. I ended up on this page detailing the “conspiracy” and it legitimately looked like the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic. I don’t mean that to be insulting - there seemed to be something truly wrong with

Killing a cat and turning it into a sculpture is literally a plot point in the 1959 beatnik-horror B-movie A Bucket of Blood.

And that’s not a real tan, either

yet she’s advocating mental health help for Shelley, which is counter to Scientology’s beliefs, so hopefully it’s not true or she gave it up at some point.

I’m in a very liberal area, and the only people who have been out in MAGA hats and such are scum. I know that sounds like a truism, but I mean that whatever their gender or age or background or station in life, not a single one of these fucking assholes is someone you’d trust with anything; dishonest, mean, selfish

Vivian is a scientologist? Ouch. They killed at least one mentally ill person with their “treatments”, google “Lisa Mcpherson” for harrowing details. There are other deaths, like Elli Perkins who was murdered by her schizophrenic son after she withdrew his medication. They are firmly against psychiatry and medication.


I hope protesters follow him on tour in vans like he’s the fucking Bizaro World version of the Grateful Dead.

Yet he claims he won’t be motivated in any way by his business interests. They’ve been shamelessly promoting their products. No way in hell are they doing a blind trust.

We just have to work twice as harder as these dipshits. The way the Electoral College and Senate are set up prioritize the votes of rural voters. It’s outdate and antidemocratic. But more people voted for Hillary just as more people voted for Gore. The Republicans lose on issues but everything about the system is

Still a bad joke. A very bad one. One of his surrogates just used japanese internment to state precedent for idiotic rhetoric.

I think this is super exploitative of Dr. Phil, but it’s exactly the kind of thing I expect from him. 

Here I am a guy just trying my hardest to be ok with this new president we have in line but things like this make me believe that this is all just the beginning... I mean we survived Bush so maybe we will be ok?

I mean, there’s also precedent in this country for owning human beings like chattel, that doesn’t mean we should be doing it.

Could Mitch McConnell look any creepier? Jesus.

Awesome...she’s the Meg Griffin of the Trumps

OMG what is this world coming to when I’m like hell yes, Lindsay Graham. I need to lay down.
