
It's an interesting observation. I always felt that Law & Order was written specifically so that prosecutors would see themselves in a very favorable mirror. The suspect is almost always guilty. If the prosecutor loses, it's usually because somebody manipulated the system. There's a definite side of justice and a

I agree with the vast majority of what you wrote but take some issue with a point that seems, at first unassailable:

Spidey was always my favorite superhero but I'm not ready for a live action reboot. I'd have been fine with continuing the previous franchise and pushing the story forward, even with major recasting.

Not defending Anonymous (obligatory disclaimer). But... if she didn't want to be part of their little group anymore, she should have just gone away. She's no hero, she's trying to make a buck off of these people.

Because we make the shuttle cool, is why. In an ironic, detached way.

That rocked, thank you.

Yes, skill does have a lot to do with it. Good point.

Woody Allen has been subject to the same criticisms for years. In the end, he writes the characters he's interested in writing. So does Dunham. Heck, look at Mighty Aphrodite... even the boxer is a white guy!

I think because I was en especially huge Woody Allen fan around the time of Husbands and Wives, I have a hard time imagining that Liam Neeson could ever mess me up in a fight. Kept expecting him to offer Darth Maul some tea and a book on architecture.

Having a Blink-182 cameo is a big deal. I just had one, just now!

"one of the officers punched him..." A police officer should not strike a suspect for nonviolent noncompliance.

Excellent points, all. Honestly, they just need to get rid of the whole system. In the Internet age there's a ton of information available about movies. Parents or the easily offended can just do their own darned research. I can certainly figure out that "American Pie" movies are going to have raunchy jokes and

I really disagree with this: "The artistic or moral merit of a movie shouldn't have any bearing on its MPAA rating." That's like saying there's no difference between a copy of Hustler and a Caravaggio. The problem is that the MPAA is made up of a bunch of prudes who don't know anything about art.

I keep cutting myself on the triangle.

The paternalism here doesn't bother anyone? Sure, sure, Facebook and Tumblr and Pinterest and all the rest make decisions about what they'll allow. But the key part of "self-harm" is "self." And in this case, as with many others, there are people who just might not agree with you that "harm" is an operative word

Really want to see a remake of Open Water, but about sky diving. Can you believe that plane just left us out here?

Now that's a weighty gag!

What I meant to say, before rudely interrupting myself, was "Awesome. Can't wait for all the 'values in America' discussions that we have to have now."

"Even while the school board says they have "ruled out" the possibility of infections or chemical poisoning."

No Irony Man?