
I’m an Okie, and after the way Christina has chosen to conduct herself in regard to the native population of our state and the country, she should be prepared for catching flack. How hard can it be to find an apartment in OKC when your mom is the governor? I found an apartment from across state lines in a week and a

I feel so embarrassed. As an Oklahoman I’m constantly apologizing for the mass of bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic jerks that seem to constantly find their way on the news (or in our state legislature.) Sometimes I just want to put my head in my hands and cry. I don’t understand how people, including my own family,

Yassss. You made diet soda shoot out of my nose with that one.

It takes the average person with an eating disorder about ten years to make it to full recovery. I've finally reached that stage, but my eating is still a little odd. One of the most challenging parts of my journey has always been that I didn't necessarily appear to be suffering from a mental illness. With eating

Speaking as a woman in recovery, these kind of lay comments are beyond annoying. Breast tissue has nothing to do with what constitutes a mental illness. Go away.

A man I went to high school with has now acquired the unwanted title of being the last black man to be a member of OU's SAE chapter. He wrote a really beautiful blog post about it. You should all give it a read:…

I think the reason the author refers to it as sexist is because of the scenario the photographer created. Obviously we all know that the model was a consenting adult paid for her time, but the narrative behind the image is completely different. It is meant to remind you of the up skirt shot of a non-consenting adult,