
Tesla’s can use these stations though, but not the other way around. So the network for Tesla EVs will always be larger. Most of these stations also do not charge at the speeds Superchargers are capable of.

Yes but this is counterbalanced by the fact that you leave your house every morning with a full “tank”. 

This is a Spoiler

You clicked the story, friend 

I’d bet most humans could navigate around a cone, and the article itself says the trips take 80% longer than regular human drivers could. So that’s two “humans are no better” facts that are not so much facts.

Mahk was right

What’s left of his lasagna brain said: Ooh! Race car! NASCAR love me!

I’m just impressed that he spent an entire five minutes not mentioning the fake news media or Democrats.

How much of a narcissist do you have to be to not only comment about an entirely different motorsport during this event, but to make this off-topic comment for the sole purpose of self-glorification?

This kinda shit is why I love Jalopnik.

Automotive equivalent of flexing that you’re cruising the Concours d’elegance on a $100 Hoverboard.

with uncomfortable amounts of energy!

Feels like a douchey Instagram Influencer manifested as a company

The best part of the “boating past yachts” series is that they’re in an outboard.

Sorry, but that was atrocious, mobile games and remakes, they totally flopped.

I wish my life was so awesome that the biggest problem I had was whether or not other people were removing yellow plastic protective bits from their cars.

“...a noticeable delay between pressing on the brake pedal and deceleration.”

That... can’t be a good feeling.

So, according to Wikipedia, mother of all knowledge, the Pushrod engine is only about 10 years older than the Overhead Cam design.

I get your joke, and I’mma let you get back to it, but that’s some interesting info.

Hmmm.... I thought all that Europe required was changing the 6.2 Liter engine to a 6.2 Litre and we were good....

In other Tesla-killer news, the Jag I-Pace is having a recall because the regen braking can fail which leads to a noticeable delay between pressing on the brake pedal and deceleration. On the plus side, this can be fixed with a software update. On the down side, you have to take the car to the dealer for said software