
Perhaps the better question: is there anyone less qualified? 


Somebody in Philadelphia has a problem with the color orange? I know a guy.

lol...but seriously let’s not suggest that people call the police for dumb shit, because people WILL call the police for dumb shit.

Today in; “Stupid Letters Tom Receives”

I got it!

The example I always think of is a time when I was riding in the back of my friend’s Rav4 (stupid, yes, I know, but the car was full and I’m an idiot), and a guy was riding his ass during a merge so my friend ... brake-checked him. When I, very calmly, asked what the fuck was wrong with him, his explanation was that

What I don't really get is why they don't just take the L and come up with a new logo.  They barely have a brand identity, and as far as I can tell the judgement is specific to how completely identical the logos are.  They could still get a different stylized deer antler logo for an insignificant amount of money and

One of the most amazing things about people who do things like tailgate and brake-check is, if you talk to them about it, how absolutely confident they are that they are special and it’s always another driver’s fault. As if the fact that another driver did something stupid somehow reduces their own culpability for

Plain and simple, unless you’re passing, stay the fuck out of the left lane. 

Just reply to your original reply. That’s what most of us do when the 15 min window expires. 

Oh, you mean the ones that have completely dismissed building EVs and small fuel efficient compacts in favor of larger and more expensive SUVs?

No, it’s the NYPD and DOT’s fault for not warning people in advance.

Is New York City really as much a shit hole as you read about? Or do you just need bags of money to enjoy it?

Yet officers still sit around the station house wondering why the public hates them. It’s freaking amazing.

History Channel had this as part of 7 Surprising Facts about D-Day. As the guy dropping the ramp, you were dooming several men.


I take the opposite approach. If traveling alone for a short duration, 1 bag, overhead compartment, no personal items. I hate waiting for the checked bags at the airport.

Well, I mean they miss 70% of fake weapon tests too, so I’m not surprised.