
“In honor of all the brave men and women that don’t charge for minor dents and lingering smells.”


Not sure what the point of this was. Just because he doesn’t have power over the MTA doesn’t mean he’s powerless to fix the subways. Part of being a politician is being able to schmooze with other politicians. If he cared about the subway he’d have cozied up to Governor Cuomo a long time ago.

If “intimidating” is the angle the P.R. team suggested to explain the weaker new models, fire them. Can anyone imagine Mercedes or BMW trying this bullshit? This is embarrassingly bad spin.

also has to be a better sports car than the Porsche 911.”

My cognitive dissonance is so psyched for Tesla brodozers. Big “NO FUEL” stickers on the back window, custom names like “Silent But Deadly” with a bunch of deer head decals, NRA and NPR stickers living together, vanity plates like “OL SPARKY” and “CAMEL TOW”

Absolutely, it did. I had an Accord listed at $4000, sure it wouldn’t make that but was looking for $3000. A few potential buyers showed up to kick tires. One was pretty keenly honest, said he’d just come out from a few weeks in the jail and was looking to turn things around, told me he would need to make payments.

Honestly? No. If I’m selling it, it’s because it has wronged me in some way, and thus I don’t care where it goes.

I actually went through this thought exercise myself designing a Lego “MkVI” Supra with my kid. Settled on:

The dog is gonna love this.

Is an electric motor not a motor?

Next you’ll tell me that cutting all humanitarian aid to Guatemala and Honduras won’t improve the lives of people there and won’t help the wave of asylum seekers from those countries either?!

Promoting economic instability in a country in an economically unstable region to reduce the pace of immigration mostly coming from OTHER countries where it is driven by many factors that are frequently linked to economic instability in that region... think they actually READ that thing? They just go off the cliff notes that suit their own personal prejudices.

“Do they never pick up a book?”

They subsidize every single ride to the tune of about 30%...this is to keep costs lower than cabs to gain market share so that LOL when self driving cars come in there is a built in user base who identify with UBER and don’t delete the app and instead install the app from a competitor. It would be the single dumbest

That’s a damn good point. Those apple-eating salt lickers have been getting a free ride for too long. 

I would also like to tow a horse trailer with me. Personally, I’m scared to death of horses, but you get my point. Options. 

Until I can get from Lisbon to Moscow on a single charge, I just don’t know... I may not need to make that drive tomorrow, but I like having the option. 

Strange in my California area they just paint it red and you avoid all the guessing.