
Nah, that’s why Art of The Deal is there.

Bit insulting to garbage don’t you think....and scows...?

There’s no reason to be upset given that the purpose of these various cameras and such is to improve public safety, so a phone warning should produce the same result. Unless law enforcement wishes to admit that these devices are actually about revenue generation and not safety...

That’s not how GPS works

“What I’d like to do, with the legislature, is to get very harsh penalties in place for people who commit anti-social behavior, in whatever form that takes, I would love to be able to catch these people,”


Hate to break it to that guy but the kid doesn’t look anything like him.

Call me crazy, but I just don’t think you should use a belt on your kids.

What a maroon. Just buy your sticker from an ethically-challenged shop like a normal person.

Anonymous Mitsubishis of the ‘00s and ‘10s are Sad as Hell.

Sounds like a sweet truck, except for this whole area right here

My neighbor got a blue Silverado recently. My wife tells me, “Did you see that nice looking truck our neighbor just got?”

Could be a small map and a regular sized pin. 

One word: Reliability.   On paper the GTI might be a better value, but the hassle factor of VW ownership is a significant disincentive to buy one.

Frankly this supports my hypothesis: Dealers are a main driver of the manual apocalypse. The feedback loop of:

GTI is considerably more. MSRP starts at 23K for the Mazda, 27K for the GTI. Looking at comparable features, the premium Mazda 3 is 27K, while the GTI SE is 32K, and goes up from there. If I were in the market for a hatchback and liked both of these vehicles, I would rather pay 27K for a nearly fully loaded vehicle

“This new Renault absolutely housed the Civic”

Another lap time, another article, another day without French hot hatchbacks in the US. très beaucoup sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh