
Lol, a few years ago I got to watch some construction being done. Every day a guy pulled in and his first step was to put out a step stool so he could get into his bed. WHY?! How is that better?!

Lol the beds look almost the same size.

I don’t think you’ve got compelling counters to either of his reasons with those.

Take all the jobs!

Cost doesn’t matter as much as ownership.

Seen here a real “I could care less” person on the internet!

Man I sure wish I was allowed to ride a dirt bike at 13.

I think I’m more on the non-swap side, mostly due to ownership issues. If that $7 per swap doesn’t come with some other commitment than maybe I’d be onboard, but I don’t believe that.

Way easier to be breathed on by someone in the same store than to see someone running at you, attempting to bite you, and not do something about it. Have you not seen a single zombie movie?

It is annoying for sure.

I’m assuming he means with transmissible properties like covid.

Ah this reminds me of a fond commute I had. I was just about to get onto the highway and I hear a smack and then a long screeching sound. Behind me there’s a large SUV sliding down the road on it’s side and next to me a camry with it’s rear fender crumped in. SUV clearly grabbed a tire and flipped itself right onto

This article reads like shit. Victim blaming much in the entire first paragraph? This is not funny, this is trash.

I’ll keep buying used cars from individuals.

I saw “plot” and assumed it was a plan, not something they actually managed to carry out.

Sounds like they want some regulation. How preposterous. 

Man I forgot vehicle virgins existed. I will go back to that time now.

I’ll give that a shot next time, thanks.

If only the floor had holes you gave up too soon imo. :D

Owner sounds like an asshole, and it’s an automatic. ND.