Dessa B

Thanks for the update, pal

Is that toast-man part of the Nazi SS?!

I don’t know. I hope that’s not a thing, but it's beyond my knowledge

VR has been doing that to itself for like 3 decades now

I mean, Nintendo had a patent out for vr on switch before it even came out. Your friends are dumb

There’s absolutely a way it can compete with other VR experiences. They’re not trying to make a high-end Virtual Reality Experiences for annoying geeks who measure specs — They’re making toys for kids and parents that they can spend an evening building together.

Because none of them have experiences designed by nintendo, with those particular cheap custom peripherals.  Also, some kids might have access to a switch but not their own cell phone yet.

Nah. Omar will win re-election. She's not losing in minneapolis.

I was going to complain tht you never poseted an image of the real bathroom in the article until I realized that the header image wasn’t low-poly and that the textures were a bit too good for DOOM

Haspa.... So haspa hee!  

Ethnicity is a human concept too. Regardless, black Haitians, like African Americans, were stolen from Africa to to work on plantations. We literally do have the sme background.

Looking forward to the "Internet reacts" for this

Same. I want to hug sobble and twll him it will all be okay.

Money is a social construct too, but it’s real and meaningful and your personal feelings about it don’t change the power it has over your life.  Race is a lot like that. 

There is no heirarchy. Wtf?

Haitian is a nationality, Black is a race. Many Haitians are black, like Baptiste.

Depends on how the employees feel about the ice cream store owner, IMO.


STILL?! I've been waiting to buy this on when the AI gets decent, and it looks like I may just end up skipping it.
