Dessa B

Honestly, the smaller tourneys need to pick up some slack and do some real experimenting. I dont blame a super-major tourney fot playing it safe, but regional ones should absolutely try shit out

We have huge stages. hazardless warioware would be a great small stage

GameXPlain covers multiplayer in more detail, but the tl;dw is that you take turns and the game pops a notification when it's your turn (except on switch, which lacks modern conveniences like notifications). 

I couldn’t disagree more on the font thing. I hate smooth truetype-looking fonts in a game that otherwise respects the pixel grid. It looks incongruous and lazy

Finally, a way to play my favorite Switch games on the go!

Fuckin' nasty

You can save more on tht keyboard than I would ever even spend on one.

You can save more on tht keyboard than I would ever even spend on one.

While I am completely down to headcanon Plant as female, I’m pretty sure “Quiet down, she’ll hear you!” is referring to Viridi there (who proceeds to fangirl Bubba Gump-style for like 45 seconds after that).

I’d be okay if those things were friends-only. Otherwise, I am ecstatic that I’m not called some racial slur every 3 matches.

I still play a few rounds of this time to time, but it still never felt as good as TF2 at its height. Maybe it's the lack of all-talk, or maybe it could use mapmaking tools like TF2 had (which I doubt will ever happen)? I dunno. Maybe juat the occasionals like me are the only ones not burnt out on it anymore.

So glad to have a grid-based strategy game with decent (sounding) AI.  Fire Emblem has character in spades, but god is its AI garbage.

It's surely helped the community at least narrow down potential changes. Knowing that something was changed in somebody's back air makes it much easier to know where to look.

Overwatch is still good, but there’s other shit going on. We just got thru a big holiday and have other games. Meanwhile, it’ll be there and folksll come lumbering back when there’s a new character.

He loves lamp. He loves lamp!

Of you want to type “Fans who exclusively like Generation 1 Pokémon games to the exclusion of all other Pokémon content” every time then be my guest. I’m sure you’ll be rewarded for all your hard work.  Me? Ima say the same thing the lazy way.

Not soon.

Let’s Go isn’t really aimed at the core Pokémon audience. The gameplay is greatly simplified and the setting is a throwback for genwunners and lapsed fans.

By the time this generation is winding down, the switch will be cheap enough to make it feasible.

Meanwhile, the rest of us:

Sweet sweet vindication