<EVs are able to accelerate as fast as they do largely because they are heavy af.>
<EVs are able to accelerate as fast as they do largely because they are heavy af.>
What a weird fight to pick. If EV weight is your theory please explain:
Millennium-class cruise ships use cogen for their power requirements (I’m assuming by “cogen” you mean “combined cycle” that uses waste heat from the gas turbine to make steam for a separate steam turbine). Of course cruise ships have much higher electrical loads, including their main propulsion, so that probably…
In 2010, if you would have told me that I’d be lusting after a 500+ horsepower Kia crossover that could do 0-60 in 3.5 seconds, I’d have sooner told you I was likely to fornicate with a blood relative.
545 lb-ft of torque at a standstill probably helps too.
Most EVs are super fast off of the line but my turbo’d Subaru feels so much faster cause it’s so tricked out with suspension and hearing the turbo and engine scream just adds to it.
I get my second shot tomorrow. I work at a college where they are giving vaccine to the public. Employees can sign up if they are any surplus shots. I got lucky a couple weeks ago and got my first dose.
A few years ago, I had the chance to visit the MAN factory in Augsburg, where they make engines for marine and stationary applications, although not as large as this one. The CNC mill they use to finish the crankcase castings was 25m long.
We might criticise two stroke marine diesels, but they’re the most efficient non-hybridised engines around.
The biggest limitation on how effective any vaccine is isn’t it’s efficacy, it’s whether people fucking get vaccinated. A vaccine with an efficacy of 66% can completely wipe out a disease if the population is fully vaccinated.
My first thought was “could we please have a puzzle game that isn’t about depression or relationships or dying of cancer or some goddamn thing?” Like, sometimes I just want to figure out how to make rules do a thing without recovering from personal trauma. And let’s be real, in the years following Braid it’s become…
This was an enjoyable game. Very unique concept, nice art direction, good voice acting, excellent soundtrack, and an appropriate length (four or five hours). The puzzles themselves were generally not-to-difficult, though there were a couple that really made me work. In the puzzle department, this is not the Witness or…
“There is no safety this side of the grave.”
I’ll say this: My wife got vaccinated several weeks ago because she’s a nurse. Two weeks ago I got COVID, as did all four of our kids. She’s had two negative tests despite being the full-time caregiver for a house filled with COVID patients. She hasn’t had any symptoms whatsoever. I know it’s anecdotal, but, I’m a big…
it doesnt say it, but hold down circle to skip a cutscene. After you beat the game, you can go back through and do the speed run trials and to make the times, you need to skip cutscenes.
Also there is no chapter select so you need to “fake” one by making a save at the beginning of each level so you can jump to that…
I love puzzle games, and I was pretty interested in starting this one up, but man did the purple prose and seeming pretentiousness of it hit me wrong. To just right out of the gate deny me of any form of input/gameplay other than walking down a corridor for 5-10 minutes while reading overwrought text on walls is a…
Holy crap. $400 didn’t even cover the property tax escrow for the mortgage on my first private shithole. The idea of it being the whole mortgage payment....
Mm financially comfortable white people, who likely identify as liberal or moderate (it is Austin), calling the police on Chicano/Black/etc., folks because they don’t like something they’re doing peacefully. As MLK said, ‘
BTW, I think your use of urban sprawl is incorrect in this blog. Austin is and has been a…