
Trans-Am Biden sez, "He wanted the Big-3 to go bankrupt! Fuck that guy!"

Very worthy COTD! A pony-keg of this delicious brew is on the way to your house, strapped into the trunk of a 240sx drift car, and driven by a similarly endowed brunette in lederhosen.

"I love American cars, and long may they rule the world, let me tell you."

I get it! I get it! I get it! [Wait...that's] not something to be proud of, is it?

"Well done, Comrade, and Budem zdorovy!"

Hammond's taste in cars overlaps the most with mine. 911s, American muscle cars, and motorcycles. Brilliant.

Since everybody has covered the BEST of American cars (Mustang, '57 Chevy, Model T, '72 Cadillac Eldorado w/8.2L V8), here's the uglier side of American cars.

Now playing

I don't think its a recession in Saudi Arabia...::ducks::

And its a lot easier in racing gauntlets with CF knuckle protectors...

Agreed. I'm usually quick to side with cyclists and motorbikers, being one myself, and taking advantage of lane splitting, but as the saying goes, "with great power, comes great responsibility". This guy thought he knew what was going to have two steps ahead of him; a good lane splitter doesn't leave that much to

Amen. After coming to terms with my mortality on a motorcycle, the thought of restoring an old VW Bug make a lot more sense.

Here's the Japanese prototype.

I found a picture of the drivers of the truck.

Somehow, this is better. Sorry, BMW.

Who would have thought E30 would be the answer to THIS question?

...just...god, awesome car dude. Good job on life.

Orlove, this is not 'Nam. This is Jalopnik. There are rules.

Step 1) Buy this car.

Ah, glad you figured out where that is. Short drive from San Francisco; weekend plans complete! :)