
Know what would jump-start a recovery? If we all bought .45 magnum Smith and Wesson handguns.

"...did somebody say menfolk with vaginas?"

I'd rather have this.

Screw colors, we need more hockey-stick racing stripes!

So THAT'S where the panther platform wound up!

I love you right now. That album was the sound track to my middle school career.

Do you have a kiss for Daddy?

...Wow, she aged well. She was my fantasy girl. Still is, when you get right down to it. #Psychology

Its true; this man...had a Superbird?

Yugo; Your Ugly, Gangly Option

...Can I have the engine?

Emissions standards are a bitch (but necessary; thanks a lot, pollution traps), but way easier to get around with bikes than cars.

Was just there today on my bike. A t-shirt, light sweater, silk scarf and jacket was all I needed. God bless California.

Easy: Live in California.

Captain Cameron! Yes! Too bad his ship got a hole blown in it.

Well the plus side of driving a plug-in is that the amount of pollutants produced to produce enough power for that 35 mile charge is waaayyyy less than the pollutants produced by burning gas or diesel for those 35 miles. Economies of scale tip the scales for electric vehicles in the city. So you get that benefit with

Those are certainly more "practical" cars,sure, but there is something to be said about being a first-mover. Also, 35-miles on electric only + plug-in makes it a better city car than a standard hybrid.

"It's not being smug..." Sounds like its not Prius you hate, but assholes. Assholes drive all manner of cars, Prii included.

Since I get my road thrills from 2-wheels, I'm not embarrassed to say I really want a Volt. Its a rolling geek-out! Politics be damned, they're impressive cars.

Maybe the convertible isn't the best idea for another dreaded sunny day.