
Wow, I never realized that the FF development team had so many women in important roles. And that was 20 years ago!

You know that the guy you’re replying to is getting off on it, right?

Don’t wait too long. As soon as my son was old enough to talk and understand (3 or 4) we had a conversation about what private parts are, and that he shouldn’t be touching anyone’s private parts and nobody should be touching his. As awkward as it is, check up once in a while so that it gets less awkward over time.

Your terrible false equivalency was hardly a correction. If anything it made anyone who read it more stupid.

I have played OW and your wall of text is wasted. This doesn’t contradict me whatsoever. Read more carefully.

No it isn’t.

Civ is a strategy game, CK2 is a strategy game.

In game costumes add very little to the fun of the game. If costumes are what are keeping the player base engaged, it was a losing battle from the outset. Hoarding loot boxes would barely effect player enjoyment, but would markedly affect Blizzard’s profit from seasonal events.

I’m not sure why im responding to this bait. I get it, you’re pretending you’ve never played an rpg before, and are taking it literally, and you play some roles in ck2... So it’s an RPG, despite sharing almost no genre tropes with RPGs. It’s definitely more similar to final fantasy than civilization 6, got it.

I’m not proposing anything. I’m just insisting that no matter what hand-waving excuse Blizzard is trying to sell you, the truth is that it’s about selling more lootboxes.

Lol ok I learned that ck2 is an RPG. smh. But did you know Overwatch is actually an RTS?

lol there are autosaves. you have to check a box to show them :)

I played twice and haven’t touched it since. CK2 spoiled me for Civ.

It’s to get people who want to play, not to sit around at the quick leveling just for event boxes, but to keep them playing constantly.

What’s the worst thing to spill in the kitchen?

The reason for them not going that route is that the boxes are rolled as soon as you earn them.

This is because when a player is promoted after 100 levels, the experience curve resets. While this reset has worked pretty well so far, it’s also encouraged some people to stop playing the game after they’re promoted—hoping to save those first 23 levels for a seasonal event.

poorly drawn oc

You have Kik?

Funny thing is that these viewpoints have been here but they weren’t “progressive” enough to make it out of the grays on sites like this. The liberal elite bubble is a hell of a drug. The democratic base in the midwest is not cut from the same cloth. Racists might have surged a little but it is the democrats who