
Then Halo regressed them

You’re taking it way too seriously, John Adams

Not gonna lie, “final dream of a dying Dreamcast” is a great line, and apt.

Sure, but it’s not really a “fix”, as you said.

That’s an interesting point but as Nintendo certainly has a copyright on Mario (which all of these games use the character), it would be difficult to show that they were strictly pursuing trademark complaints through DMCA, even if that is indeed part of their motivation.

I’m pretty sure she means pre-empting ignorant, uninformed comments. Not stifling discussion.

Why do you say it’s a really good idea to sue for copyright? I’m not aware of any advantages given to a rights holder for having vigorously defended their copyright, and even the potential defense of Laches (the only possible weakness in not suing) is so unlikely to be viable that it doesn’t seem to make sense to even

Square is in no danger of losing their FF patent from the myriad fan games out there

I disagree that giving them a steam code would be a fix. Some people will only buy DRM-free games and don’t want games with DRM. Giving them a DRM version to incentivize them to buy a DLC is arguably worse.

Dolphin runs My Life as a King very well

Your article calls it a self-driving car, dolt.

0.5 - Stache

Grindarock Online was fun as hell. Primarily the reason I immediately thought this list was bullshit was because of how good a maxed out luck thief was in that game.

If they would make a steam controller with everything the same but with a right analog in addiotion/ in place of the right touch pad, i’d love it. As is, its great for games that could only play on kb/m, not so good for games that support analog stick.

If they would make a steam controller with everything the same but with a right analog in addiotion/ in place of the

The skill rating system is getting turned on its head. Instead of a 1-100 ranking system, it’ll soon be 1-5000. That way, you’ll be moving up and down in whole numbers, hopefully leading to a less confusing progression.

her girlfriend was homophobic? huh?

Nope, had nothing to do with Voksi. Just a coincidence.

Nah this isn’t Voksi bypass. It’s a real crack.