
cant they just be fucking deported. why are we giving 2 shits about these fucking people.

When did it become the responsibility of the United States Federal Government to provide full service care that it is not required to provide for its own citizens to the citizens of other countries?

Classic Republican move: do everything you can to destroy a government program, then blame the Dems when “big government isn’t working.”

Typical Sphincter news!

So I’m supposed to ask permission of all the people in times square when I take a photo? Yeah right. I’ll be happy to delete any public photo I may have taken of you (by accident or not) out of respect, but unless that happens I’ll do what ever I want with the photo I took.

People don’t tacitly sign a waiver agreeing to have their image, goings-on, and physical location splashed all over the internet just because they dared to leave the house.

The lesson learned here is that everyone is an asshole.

Yeah, that MLK comparison - wtf.

“They don’t need ammunition.”

“The other side would make ammunition out of the incident no matter what the protester did.”

The business owner had every right to ask the woman to leave - and to call the cops once she refused to do so, since at that point she was trespassing.

Weird fun fact: SaGa Frontier was originally going to have 8 viewpoint characters. Fuse the police officer was cut at the last minute. This is why he seemed to have so many more lines than most of the other non-viewpoint NPCs.

Yeah, the thing is, they’re all traveling together. They just ignore one another, except for the optional little one-on-one vignettes. So it’s not like you’re zipping between different settings or characters who are doing different things across the globe, which is why it feels really fucking weird that the game

Yes, it’s a tough dilemma, but something like SaGa Frontier handled structure way better. That game was also divided into different stories for each character (7 instead of 8) but instead of having to bounce between sections of each character’s story, you’d play one at a time. And each character had their own specific

Which is why I only fly private charter now.

I think that’s the point: that you do think the worst. This was not brought up by the woman, who wanted nothing to do with it. It was dug up by a third party, and put out there in all of its vagueness now... allowing everyone’s imaginations to run wild across the internet.

This has nothing to do with justice for women

Somebody was enforcing customs and immigration laws 16 years ago.  Presumably they would “replace” ICE?

Someone is going to enforce customs and emigrations.  Yes?

What would abolishing it really accomplish?  We’d get something with a new name that does many of the same things.

Whoa Mr. Mill, I’m gonna have to ask you to be more civil.