
Filthy console peasant. The best gamers play multi-platform.

No way, last time we acknowledged anything Advance wars was delayed. 

Had to start off with War-criminal... 

its an amazing sub-title and they should do more like that. I always love a dommy mommy

Great response, the “Oh wow, color by numbers inclusion, but No In-game lore, no build up, no reason for anyone to ever have a conversation where pronoun conversation would dynamically come up. I to could not tell you who talon was, who null sector motivations are, i don’t read the comics, the tie-in media lore. I

My daughter was assaulted by a progressive activist when she attempted to go walk past a protest, they though she was a MAGA because she was wearing a red hat with her school logo. Don’t you dare say lives are not ruined because of a progressive pride flag. The flag not the issue, the problem are the a-holes who wave

It just a game and mods can do anything... i really don’t see the problem here. I have one mod where everyone has giant dicks like comedically on men, women and even some of the animals. I do see a problem with Nexus being inconsistent with that they deem inappropriate. You can replace every flag with a Progressive Pri

I can’t fault them to hard for this. Their desire to milk the series and to do it justice as a remake. Though i really do wish it was just one game...

Same would like to know the Japanese’s, but I am fairly certain it was a gender neutral or unisex bathroom. Given the iconography used with pikachu head on the bathroom door instead of the Pika-Tails. It should hae been a Pika and a Pikachu :). But given how localization often has their own interpretation, wouldn’t be

50 bucks that in Japanese it was the Family Restroom.

I downloaded a mod to remove the romance options. Papa don’t got time for roleplaying love when the fate of the world is in my hands. This sounds like a great patch, I like to work harder to get to a romance option.

I can hardly wait for a game to replace voice actors with AI voices :)

I feel that we prob going to get to 75% of the full pokedex, then the new game will come out and we will be back at square one.

If he on twitch or any platform should suspend/terminate his account, we don’t need this level of stupid. Influencers and streamers are a dime a dozen, one will fall and two others will rise in the ashes.

Thats great, the fact that to get any IDEA of the Overwatch lore you have to watch, read, experience it outside the core game was laughable. I have zero idea of the lore of this game... outside what was presented in the core game. Which was NOTHING. Also their forthcoming lore-codex doth not couthith.


I have no idea why there is sex in the BG3. I never ever considered the game to get to this level. My plan is to ignore it and just enjoy the game, as it not something i am interested in. 

Literally going to ignore all the character customization, if there is a random button I may hit that. Not what I want in a Balder Gate Game. Honestly Played I and II and never wished for this level of control. But hey if I can get chicks with dicks I guess it can’t be so bad.

Probably 10,000 copies of game are Madden 

Early access really killed the hype for me.