The moment I saw French, I was like, i bet French National with Algerian heritage.
The moment I saw French, I was like, i bet French National with Algerian heritage.
I don’t do cardio because these colors don’t run.
“Still, the Apache helicopter argument is very compelling.”
Haha, well played. I just love it when people call someone a troll for just sharing an educated difference of opinion and not even remotely a hateful comment.
Exactly. Finding reasonable discourse on these blogs is very rare. You post one thing that disagrees with the overall theme of the article and tons of people jump down your throat. Try commenting on The Root. You’ll see what I mean!
I like to know is what added value do we gain from creating, generating building these additional labels and classifications? I could see it could empower folks that didn’t feel fit into the existing categories. Still, the Apache helicopter argument is very compelling.
It’s not societal. It’s behavioral, and all based on choice.
The lack of counterpoints and opposing views on kinja is very sad. I tried to read the splinter comment section and found it very difficult to have any opinion that didn’t match. But then again I have to remember this is a blog...
Oh, so you’re choosing to ignore an important facet of the conversation (biology/physical makeup) in the attempt at pushing an agenda you have about human behavior?
Right. Once the fad ends, where will these folks be? I actually am concerned for their well being, because they are carrying a huge emotional and psychological burden. Many of these folks need some form of mental help to get them out of their misaligned thinking. It makes you wonder why the suicide rate is so high…
Is there somewhere in western society that is forcing women to wear dresses? You’ll have to show me, because I don’t see it in my day-to-day life.
Absolutely! Discrimination is just poor behavior, period. I wonder the same thing. I also wonder what new trend we will have so that we can add another letter or symbol to the LGBTQ-blah-blah-blah thing. Might as well just call it the whole alphabet at this point.
You know what’s funny about this? Everything.
So, the entirety of society is unable to separate someone’s sex/gender from the way they act? 100% of them? That’s a totally unverifiable statement. There are some people out there that obviously have issues when it comes to assigning gender roles but, come on. People these days are becoming more accepting and more…
Its basically all bullshit, but liberals want to keep pandering to mental illness.
Maybe it is because I’m not american and I don’t understand first world problems but what the hell is this? I mean there are two biological sexes, the rest are abnormalities (and honestly kudos to the people who live with the condition and can overcome the implications) but even this abnormalities are genetically…
I dunno about a fashion statement as much as: “The world says I’m supposed to act like X because of my sex, but I’d rather act like Z, and thus...” It would be a non-issue if society completely separated biological sex from expected behaviors.
That must suck. As a long-time Apache Attack Helicopter, I can say that when I first came out it was hard, but when I met anybody that opposed my views I would just fly away.
Dont worry. I identify as a tugboat. I’ll pull you through the good and the bad. Just hang in there!
I’m a submarine. Help me !