
Direct your rage at the system that is above the individuals. Sure, some are disgusting pigs, but the system is what put them there and give them the bad combination of no oversight and too much power. And this goes back to at least W, when he was increasing Border Patrol numbers, by hiring guys they never should have.


My God-Emperor... that’s amazing!

So a question here, if you are a democrat and want to crack down on “illegal” immigration, tighten borders, supports DACA recipients and wants to provide rights or some road to citizenship thru immigration reform for those who already here. Does that make you a moderate or more loosely aligned towards an independent.

Why are you intentionally lying, hebrewz?

Yes, they are dependents. They are dependent on business owners offering a cash economy. They are dependent on our infrastructure that they do not pay for. They are dependent on assistance our tax dollars pay for. They live here, lowering wages in the process, and pay no taxes. How can you call them independent?

Thanks, but uninspired trolling is always shitty trolling. I have yet to come across a commenter here decent enough to withstand the personal attacks and present the other side of things in a non-threatening way. To be honest, it’s a challenge. So I’ll try.

boom headshot.

nooooo Kotaku would never use skimpy dressed cosplayers to get clicks! Say it isn’t so!


This is literally the first thing I thought of when I saw the headline. It always feels like this website is constantly defending the weird anime/asian sexualization of young women/women in general.


Well, they’re not the only ones to use scantily clad women to attract interest.

Here is some actual evidence.

You are welcome to the opinion that entering a country illegally is equivalent to jaywalking. Most of the population of this country and this planet, don’t agree.

I don’t think that’s the Nazis’ argument though. Nazis, as is their custom, are empathetic to these families. I believe their discontent is focused more on the NGOs and lawyers that are working in South America to promote immigration to America without disclosing the risks to the families.