desolationangel is fallen

I work in an industry that depends on regulation. I figure I’m losing my job (and general ability to be employed) before most folks. I’m not really sure what to do now, my husband and I have been saving to buy a house and maybe were thinking of having kids and now it just feels like any hope of normal “life” is done

Then I will whine and be unpatriotic endlessly, and I will not be told to calm down or shut up. I will not be civil with these people, they do not deserve it.

The mons pubis perhaps? Or the urethra?

These people also think that pee comes out of the vagina.

Yup. I remember being shamed by my mom for talking about it when I was that age, which was not helpful.

Meh. If I am not legit *at work* (where I wear REI type clothes because I work in the woods often), I am pretty much in “athleisure” clothes. I do try to work out on the regular, but more than that, it is next to impossible to find jeans that fit my ass. Granted, it’s not all quite that expensive (yay Kohl’s) but I

There’s the old, “I like to have a martini, two at the very most. Three and I’m under the table, four and I’m under my host.”

That’s just it - more than one or two and I’m not gonna go for that jog in the morning, you know?

As a female adult, I can still list off all of the Ghostbusters toys I had as a child, and I’m pretty sure I spent a couple of years drinking nothing but Ecto Cooler. If there had been even one woman on the team, I probably would have bought even more, and it wouldn’t have stopped any of the boys from buying the

If a good friend of mine hadn’t already, I’d use it, because while it’s cliched at least it’s not creepy.

I’m torn between Prince - “Adore” or David Bowie - “Starman.” And basically, it depends whether or not my family will notice the “I ain’t fuckin’ just for kicks” line in the former, but maybe it would be worth it...

My mom REALLY wants me to use it at my wedding. I played in a string orchestra when I was younger. I have Post Traumatic Pachelbel Disorder. CAN’T DO IT.

Oh god it’s so nearly impossible that I’m thinking of not doing it. OR just doing something completely random like “Pinball Wizard.”

I usually play Professor Plum (because purple is the best color) but I’m gonna have to get a set with Dr. Orchid, because I’m also a lady botany scientist (well, paleoethnobotanist but I’ll take what I can get).

Tracking my cycle has been MAJORLY insightful, as has tracking my sleep. All the major fights I’ve had with my partner have been Peak Hormone +Not Enough Sleep.

What... exactly... did he think went on in women’s heads?

Natural Wonders was my JAM. I’d still go to a store like that. I still have the rock collection...

It’s a very sensitive and complicated issue. As a scientist, of course study of the bodies of the deceased from long ago is probably the most powerful tool for insight into the history of the human race. But of course, not all descendant communities agree. And I’d say museums are sensitive enough; some random

Native American human remains are no longer put on display at reputable museums. But artifacts certainly are; at most museums they are displayed alongside materials from all other parts of the world including Europe. Whether or not that is appropriate is of course a matter of intense debate, but I will say that the

It’s honestly about perfect, although if we had any children we might like just a little more space. The coolest thing is our bedroom, which is literally just big enough for a bed and a TV. But what more do you really need in a bedroom? Our closet is in the office.