
If you buy games and don't play them you're a collector. Are you retarded? Your arguments baffle me.

At some point, some time.

How did I treat them negatively? I just told them to shut the fuck up. Pretty normal response honestly.

Got a better one? Personally I think the game sounds interesting, but the notion of calling yourself a gamer because you bought a game that plays itself is a bit much in my eyes. Fucking casuals.

If you can't make time to game, you don't deserve to be called a gamer. It's like saying you're a ship builder when you buy all your ships prebuilt or you're a bird watcher when all you do is watch youtube videos of birds. Shut the fuck up.

Only if you worked your ass off the rest of the time and left all the easy classes. >.>

Lets be real
Black Guy:
"I feared for my life" - Pass
Black Guy:
"Have a good day sir" - Fail

Here is the real question SDZ, how do I imply I have a large penis without coming off as I'm only interested in sex? This was a major dilemma for me in the dating scene as my female friends said it was something I should flaunt, but flaunting it would come off as tacky. (Note, I'm married now)

Its a terrible fucking zelda game in comparison to LTTP, LBW, MM, OoT, TP, etc.

You lost me at skyward sword. Terrible game. Story was good tho.

I do this as a guy. I don't want another mans germs on my penis.

People don't wash their hands before they pee? Disgusting monsters, all of you.

You're a terrible wife.

He had a right to call you damaged goods. When your past leads to you lying and not trusting someone, that is damage. Good on you for taking control of your life and deciding to be honest with your partner. Lying should never exist between healthy partners, that's not a relationship.

I refer damage to lying btw, not

All because its a day you're supposed to pronounce your love? You're fucking predictable dude. If this girl is a keeper, you just treat Vday like a normal thing and then bust that shit out as a just cus I been thinkin bout you gurl.

My wife knows I hate vday and I wont celebrate it. She gets around this by making up

Mew technically wasn't part of one of the original 151 pokemon. It was initially 150. Just saying.

Ugh...I played on a commodore 64 monitor (its all I had) and trying to read that god damn fucking writing...(Yes, I spent all my money on the xbox, and had none left over for a TV, bite me)

Should a Doctor not hate another doctor for breaking the Hippocratic oath? And for the record, I don't hate her. I just consider her a worthless fucking scientist and should be stripped of the title and any job received for having said title. Welcome to science bitch, shit gets real.

A scandal didn't destroy her work, her being a terrible fucking scientist did. Deserves to be shamed, we have no room for people who fudge numbers, and post discoveries without proper fucking research. Get her the fuck out of science and keep her out of it.

Mmm, lets see Tip/don't tip. That is an option. You should go back to grade school and learn what options are. Maybe then you wouldn't be such a idiotic douche to be working at a restaurant that subsidizes your wages.