
Or games lower their dev cost. Scale back on some features.  Don't make those bleeding edge graphics.  

I fully support the message about harassment ... the microtransaction apologism, not so much. After 10 years of increasingly predatory monetization the “you don’t understand the videogame industry”and “it’s just cosmetics” excuses are hollow.

I’m really hoping the excitement over this causes more Banjo content to be created.

Unpopular opinion: The DNC fucking over Bernie Sanders is what put Trump in office. It’s literally partially Hillary’s fault.

This is both horrific and infuriating. It also hits way too close to home—after being the victim of assault, being made to feel as though I was the one that had done something wrong. To have to deal with this so publicly... I can’t even imagine, and my heart goes out to her. If it’s true that another group member gave

I just checked and “No Mutants Allowed” is still up and running. That’s the first Fallout site I remember existing.

I must be getting old because I remember when companies would run contests like this with the idea that your submission MIGHT make it into the game/show/book/whatever. And IF it did, you were just happy to have something you could brag to your friends about.

Did you had some in the last 10 years?

Literally no one cares about your pizza opinions

I dont know where you live but Domino’s is probably the best national chain at this point.

If you’re wondering why I only put Pokémon Red, and not Blue, in the last section it’s because Red is worth more... and is obviously the superior of the two versions. Everyone knows it’s true.

I think you should be responsible journalists and not use a branded controller for the cover of article when its unspecified what controller it was.

You say an unspecified controller, but use a picture of the DS4? A bit of a douche thing to do. Sadly, this incident will have more people jumping on videogames than it will on how a 9 year old got a gun, and loaded it if it wasn’t. This story is the definition of why gun control is needed.

Cool, another FFX article and excuse to SHAME YOU ALL.

7. Hoard it forever because you are emotionally attached to it.


It’s almost as if that’s a picture of the capitalist society you’re slowly fixing.

I honestly feel like Sony will hold out until 2020 to release a new console, at least if they are as smart as I think they are. Here’s why I believe so:

I loved their shit eating grins so much.

Now playing

You totally forgot the best one from E3 2013: