
It's not our fucking responsibility to pay them. I don't give a fuck if they're being criminally fucked over by who they work for. They should either A. Get a real job. B. Realize it was going to fucking happen in the first place and that their job is not reliable.

Fucking responsibility...of the customer...hah

Then fucking include it in the total. If its an option, its a fucking option.

If nobody tipped, they would have to quit. At which point the restaurant would have to revise their pay schedule.

Your "American standards" ARE FUCKING RETARDED. Slave labor with reliance upon tipping? How the fuck does that make sense in any culture?

Curious what gives them the right to risk the health of a customer just because they're an asshole? Isn't the proper thing to talk with the manager? Just give them worse service? Not be a child about it?

If you're that god damn afraid of your food being fucked with that you wont stand up for yourself because you're paying for more than just food. Then maybe you shouldn't eat out. Fucking coward.

Get a real job then if you lack the ability to sustain yourself on it?

And why is that? Or just because its socially frowned upon and you're a god damn follower that does as they're told?

Why? You fucking cut hair. If you deliberately do a bad job because you expect a tip, then you're the shitty person.

Why are persistently shitty tippers not worthy of being friends? Can you explain why not wanting to participate in the inane notion that the act of service is worthy of extra money because of a larger smile, bigger tits, or more attractive qualities? Which anyone in the service can tell you it boils down to. Here's an

She has no right to pee in your drink. If you pay your bill and don't give them a hard time, why are they entitled to extra money? I just don't understand Americans. I mean I was born and raised in America, came from a tipping household and I just don't get it. Besides the subsidized bullshit, whats the point? Why?

My mother bought me many things. She spent a lot of money growing up on me. She also treated me like shit, called me terrible names, never being there for me emotionally, basically abusive.

So, are you saying giving money is the defining nature of being kind to a server? Think about that. You can be totally

Entitled much? The only legitimate excuse you have for not being tipped is if your wages are being subsidized with the notion that you will be tipped which in my eyes is fucking criminal in the first place.

I tip 10-20%, most of the time. Not begrudgingly but, still very against the notion of tipping, most of the

but we already had a legend of zelda, it was called legend of neil, and it was 20x better than what this will be. Because whoreish fairies.

Your god is also a superstition.

Good on you for only being partially blind though.

You're a grown up kicking and screaming like a child.

I don't hold dragon age sacred tho, I think its a pile of warm mediocrity that drags the advancement of RPG gaming backwards instead of helping to propel it forward. Biowares relevance in the RPG community hasn't been ground breaking since SWTOR1 and 2. /shrug. I mean Origins, and ME1 were great, but the sequels,

I didn't laugh, but I laughed at you.

And you don't see that as fucking stupid?

No, I picked the tranquil option because I will not be made a fool in front of my subjects.