
OK, this sounds awesome..... but I already have a Squier Strat and have been learning for some time.

@Samuel James Reha: Same way they make car interoirs, chairs, pant, and determine counter heights. They take data from hundreds if not thousands of participants and extrapolate an average. Then they use the data to create a model that most accurately represents the most people.

What a lazily thought out article that simply plays on cheap stereotypes, nothing of substance.

Wow, how is it that I've never heard of a Hofstetter until today?

Sure, if these were made in China then they could get the price down; but that's not the point. Keep in mind that these are not mass produced, they are hand painted, hand carved, and hand fitted. $45-75 is a very good price if you factor in the hours it takes to make them, not to mention the hours it took to design

Makes sense, after all the moon is full of impact craters from meteors. So one could assume that some of those meteors would be hot enough to burn the moon dust on impact causing a burnt (gunpowder-like) smell.

I love Tetris but waiting for that friggin line is the worst!

@t('-'t): Hey! you posted that image at 00:10 on 10/10/10


duh, they had to hide the giant Baby

@3qɹ: true enough, I have to catch myself sometimes.

@CaptainKirk: any reply from a starred commenter auto-promotes the original comment, probably not intentional.

Woah, a well written article and a cross-post on Gizmodo to boot! Congrats Corey, keep up the good work.

It's OK Ray, you don't have to justify a good idea.

Simply Awesome on so many levels.

@crd22: I hated them at first too. But then I thought about it, the gaudy rims are a great juxtaposition to the matte-black rusted car. It's supposed to be ironic.

@vein11: exactly what I was thinking, a huge steel ball bearing to the face would at least give you a black eye...