
@Lotte: Or how about a Photoshop contest for a new one? then Ray could post the best so we can vote.

Pentagon's spokesman Colonel David Lapan: "We can neither confirm nor deny that the US government employs L33t H4XOrS capable of PWNing Iran in such a capacity"

Ok, Ok you talked me into it. I just purchased a kit.

@KamWrex: You forgot the Portal song at the end. :-) and I concur with your assessment of awesomeness.

@SmaartAasSaabr: Ok, they were both bad, but GM marketed the Cimarron as if it was supposed to beat the BMW 3-series.

@fhrblig: You beat me to the punch!


Full. Of. Win.

@FritzLaurel: A prolonged legal assault, on what basis? From Apple sueing Facebook to use Facebooks proprietary API?

@binaryspiral: They stopped charging late fees in 2004...

@AnalogDan: Apparently you stopped reading the article at the first paragraph... ADD much?

@strideo: just a troll...moving along..

I would have to also recommend MORT music player for those of us who prefer to sort by folders instead of by artist, genre, etc...

I'm still waiting for the Graduate Degree in internet memes...

Soon to be downloaded by thousands of guys to show to their friends that they have it.

@herosp: that is the the new *facepalm*!