
I think it's less a free pass and more disbelief that they could make a main character be THAT stupid and not get killed off, like when she was just casually parading around Braavos when she had to have known that the Waif was coming for her. God.

In retrospect, it was a perfectly fine little pop song, but mostly I just remember how completely and totally inescapable it was. That song was EVERYWHERE. That's the real problem with a lot of the stuff mentioned - it's not that it was aggressively terrible (though some of it was), just so overplayed that one could

Wow, if that's really what it's supposed to mean, I hate that song even more now.

Duran Duran's Medazzaland is awesome, weirdly obscure, and, like U2's Pop, basically the last really good album they made.

Yeah, I thought that comment about Bran was super weird. He says right there that it'll be useless to him, because duh, if things get to a point where he'll only survive if he can physically defend himself, he's going to lose pretty much immediately, so why waste a good weapon?

There were plenty of enemies in the Sept, sure, but it looked like there were plenty of random people in there, too, plus we saw that smallfolk outside the Sept also got killed in the explosion. Even if Jaime doesn't give a rat's ass about a bunch of strangers, though, I really can't see him agreeing with Cersei that

Dany needed to risk herself, though. How long do you think the Dothraki would follow a female leader who sits on her ass and gives orders from afar? They like her, and are willing to follow her, exactly because she is as ferocious as they are.

The person who did it didn't appear to be wearing armour (and doesn't seem to be sinking as fast as Jaime once he hits the water, either), so almost certainly Bronn.

The fact that he keeps fighting for the sister who killed hundreds, maybe thousands, of people in one fell swoop? We get that you love her, dude, but you killed the Mad King for planning to do what she actually did. AND she told him to his face that she wasn't particularly upset about Tommen's death because he wasn't

Was his going after Drogon about loyalty to Jaime, or because sweet lord, that thing was killing everyone around him and had to be stopped, though?

Elia Martell, Rhaegar's first wife, was also not a relative. I feel like the Targaryens preferred to practice incest when it was feasible, but it can't have always been feasible, as with Rhaegar, whose only sister was posthumous.

My favourite is when that happens in "Trapped in the Closet." They just stick a tiny little bandaid on it and dude goes about his business like he just got a papercut.

The rescuer also doesn't seem to be sinking nearly as fast as Jaime, which would make sense if he's not wearing armour, i.e. Bronn.

Sansa has to know that all she has to do to get rid of Littlefinger is tell the truth about what happened to Lysa. Boom, the entire Vale is immediately and permanently out for his blood, while presumably still backing Jon and the Starks. So yes, there is no logical reason for him to still be around or alive at all

My friend suggested that they'll rescue Jaime, who should just drown now but of course won't, via Euron tootling up in a Greyjoy submarine.

Dany can't have children, or at least that's been strongly implied. The reason the show really shouldn't go forward with Jon/Daenerys is less to do with horribly disfigured incest babies and more to do with the fact that the series has, up until now, been quite consistent in presenting incest as a very bad idea. Why

No. Just no. The series does portray multiple instances of incest, yes, but none of them are in a remotely positive or even neutral light. The first time we see Cersei and Jaime boning, it's just before Jaime shoves Bran out the window to his near death, and Cersei's determination to hide their relationship leads to

Imitating Walder Frey wouldn't exactly be a challenge. Just sound like a bitter, sexist old jerk. She only had to pull it off for a few minutes, too.

Robyn would stop loving him pretty fast if Sansa let the truth come out as to who was really responsible for his mother's death. No one else likes Littlefinger, so it's highly likely that she would be believed immediately.

Why? Hmmm, I dunno…maybe because Queen Bitchface murdered her son and grandchildren so she could avoid justice and take the throne for herself? That could be part of it.