
Ellaria and Yara are both on the ever-dwindling list my friend and I made called "Significant Female Characters Who Have Not Yet Either Been Raped or Narrowly Avoided Being Raped," so it's probably gonna happen, ugh. (The others we could think of are Melisandre, Lady Mormont, and Olenna. So, the moral of the story is

I'm not sure they were "content" so much as terrified that the Boltons, a known bunch of psychopaths, would have them all skinned alive if they rebelled. The lingering resentment from a few of the houses - mostly the bigger, more powerful ones, unfortunately - over Robb's various fuckups meant that they wouldn't be

Yeah, it's always funny-weird when people justify wanting Jon and Dany (or worse, Jon and Sansa) to hook up with "but there's already plenty of incest!" Cersei and Jaime are not good people, and their incest and efforts to cover up same have created horrible consequences for Westeros. The incestuous Targaryen rulers

He didn't convince Oberyn. Oberyn volunteered.

I'm just curious as to who decided it was a great idea to use a(n obnoxious) cover of a song about BDSM in the trailer for their Disney kids' movie.

Europe, particularly mainland Europe, doesn't have nearly the level of socioeconomic inequality that the US has, though. It's a relatively common thing here to have a job, or a couple of jobs, where you slave away all day and still make so little money that you need government assistance to afford rent and food. And

Hang on, there are people who find Missy to be MORE over the top than Simm's Master?!

Literally nobody is arguing that Chris Brown's presence CAUSES anyone watching to do anything, and I think you're being intentionally obtuse in continuing to state that that is what every person arguing with you is saying. What it does is subtle. For men who have already abused women, it gives them that feeling of

Even his comedies played to his strengths by being all about the "fish out of water" aspect. "He's a big, beefy, scary-looking guy…who has to deal with a bunch of cute little kids!" "He's a big, beefy, scary-looking guy…whose twin brother is short and fat!" Etc. Gerard Butler followed up his success in a movie where

There's a bit of a problem with this, though: Gerard Butler is not exactly a James Franco, appearing in stupid blockbusters so he has the cash to pay the bills so he can do weird art flicks. He's just a guy who keeps agreeing to be in bad movies.

Indeed. Given that we already know that Mycroft has no qualms about locking his own sister up forever and gaslighting his brother into completely forgetting she ever existed, I'm not seeing why he wouldn't have just had her larynx surgically removed as well. Problem solved.

Are you serious? I can't quite tell. In case you are, no, none of the people you mention could literally hypnotise individual people into performing specific acts on their command. The X-Files also did episodes about murderous lung flukes, chupacabra, were-lizards, etc. If Sherlock were a show with paranormal aspects,

Sherlock never once says or implies that he's heterosexual. I agree that this show was never, ever going to Go There wrt John/ Sherlock, but arguing that the show ever made Sherlock's sexuality explicit is not the way to state that, because it didn't.

Every time this show has shown/teased at more Moriarty, my reaction has been "Christ, not this asshole again." Even while he was alive, the show spent so much time telling us what an amazing criminal mastermind he is that it never really bothered to show him doing anything especially interesting or remarkable. It's

"Thrown clear of the blast…BY the blast!" is definitely one of my "favourite" action clichés. Though I certainly never thought I'd see it in Sherlock, of all things.

Right? I am so sick of the "brilliant madman who is cuh-RAZY enough to engage in pointless, nonsensical acts of violence and mayhem, while still somehow being lucid enough to come up with extremely elaborate plans involving false identities and perfectly-anticipated 'coincidences,' etc" villain template. Can we all

a) Besides the usual thing of being a "genius" as imagined by someone who is clearly not really all that clever themselves, Eurus is one of the most absurd characters I've run across in a while. She's super-duper ultra mega smart, so she can hypnotise people into doing her bidding? …right. Because that makes sense. I

At the time, I was a teenager who wasn't going to school and had a shitty home life and no real-life friends. You betcher ass I was invested. (In Mulder/Krycek, because of course.)