I just tried KINJABOGO and it’s not accepting it
I just tried KINJABOGO and it’s not accepting it
I just tried KINJABOGO and it’s not accepting it
I just tried KINJABOGO and it’s not accepting it
You know what’s real ironclad fuckery? The quarterback on that play was Jim Harbaugh. Davis never played again, of course, and retired in 1995. In 2009, Davis joined the 49ers as a receivers coach under Mike Singletary. He was fired two years later by...Jim Harbaugh.
I was gonna go with, “Geaux directly to jail. Do not pass ‘Geaux’ and do not collect $200,” but I think yours is better.
He’s tried to make me geaux to rehab
I won’t geaux, geaux, geaux.
There sure is. And you can bet he won’t be paying for her tuition anymore.
Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?
Shep - With the recent pivot in content this blog has chosen to produce, I’m ready to anoint you Best Writer at Gawker.
Shep - With the recent pivot in content this blog has chosen to produce, I’m ready to anoint you Best Writer at…
I stole the words from an old post about the same product, and didn’t read carefully. Clearly, I needed some iced coffee this morning.
I stole the words from an old post about the same product, and didn’t read carefully. Clearly, I needed some iced…
Is dude at bottom left wearing a mask?
Thanks for responding! However I will not thank you for what deals.kinja.com has done to my wallet and willpower in the past.
Thanks for responding! However I will not thank you for what deals.kinja.com has done to my wallet and willpower in…
The Aristocrats!
Ever since I left the Cita...DEL!
I got this issue and almost every early 90's Nintendo Power from a random auction purchase. I paid $13 for over $300 worth of NPs. They are so great! They even have a 10-15 issue long Zelda comic that is good by comic-book standards even to this day! Thank you for posting what I would have before me!
Demo discs bundled with magazines were the greatest idea before the internet became popular.
Needs moar Nintendo Power. I read those till they fell apart when I was a kid. I even had the comic about ‘Little Mac’.
Well, we know it’s not beer.
Maybe compliment a fellow Archer fan?
I like the guy who was very adamant about waiving the flag in his face. He is dedicated to his anger.
Your girlfriend is an unfit mother and should be stoned in the public square.