These thieves are obvious amateurs that will never be able to go pro.
Maybe he's practicing for once the CPU is slotted. Can never be too careful. lol
Contemplating the use, or lack thereof, of a thermal compound?
Reverend: Donald thank you for joining us. Take a seat wherever you like.
For those not clear on what a nigga moment is:
Limited is the word of the day folks. Learn it. Breathe it. Switch to the glorious Master Race :)
I wonder why this asshole hasn't written a movie. Oh wait, because it's much easier to piss on other people's works.
"Johnny Manziel texts coach 'come get me'."
Why? No one has fucked Tebow 1.0 yet.
A testament to failed promises, poor decisions and what could have been.
This is absolutely disgusting. I've gone a long time pretending this shit didn't exist, and that was perfectly fine until it started getting thrown in my fucking face. This has gone too far. Now I'm going to have to explain to my children that OWN is an actual TV network.
It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.
So a year and a half later someone comments something completely irrelevant, then two years later you show up to defend him? Because I thought the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport not having free WiFi was shit? Jesus Christ you Dallasites are insecure.
....Unless there's something going on with Lifehacker, you dug this up, not me.
Thanks for digging up a year and a half old post to stick up for how awesome Texas is! Cool story, jackass!
I saw this in the airport this summer. I think it was in Dallas (lay over, I wasn't there on purpose) and that airport didn't have any free WiFi (which is dumb) so there were some red flags. I just tethered to my droid and I was nice enough to leave it open so three or four others jumped on too. You're welcome…