
Steroids can make you bigger and stronger but they won’t help your control and suddenly make you accurately throw pitches in tight places. Arrieta is physically dominant but that’s only 10% of being a pitcher. Pitching in corners with the right spin and trajectory and all that other physics stuff is more important.

“We explored options for developing classic servers and none could be executed without great difficulty.” So, a few guys can set one up for themselves and invite 150k people to play on them, but the company that made the fucking game says it’s too hard? Bullshit.

I'd rather not engage in the inherently subjective act of arguing humor. You can google funny red-eye clips if you'd like. Knock yourself out.

I’m just going to leave this here.

“It’s not an assumption.”

On Gawker it is. Speaking as a left-leaning moderate, a lot of people on the left need to realize the veneer of tolerance they pride themselves on only masks the smugness and contempt many have for anyone not in the groupthink. Lots of poor whites who would have common ground with liberals when it comes to income

As a die-hard conservative, I completely second vellocet. It’s like intelligent dialogue is something people actively avoid... Thats how you get Trump and Hillary as the front-runners for the white house... liberal comedy funnier when it’s not in the form of fake news shows or something?

Rush is labeled as conservative comedy? I thought he just did a general talk show, he’s not exactly labeled a comedian like John Oliver.

I love how modern liberals always say they’re all about tolerance and respect and bringing people together, and then people like you come along and prove how untrue that really is.

Go back to Gawker they love politik talk over there.

Haha sweet comment, haha fucking loser

Ooh. So mature. So EDGY.

What the fuck are you bitching about? The man can’t joke about videogames because he’s an evil conservative? You sound like an idiot.

Ahh yes because pretentious liberal, talking down to people and laughing at how stupid everyone else is, is so much funnier. Let’s be blunt, political comedy is only funny if you agree with it. Otherwise it just annoys you.

Um what? His statement was coming from himself gamer not from a conservative fox news standpoint, it’s like you didn’t even read the fact the man has valid points.

You’re letting your feelings be hurt by a bad joke.

Next up for bookies - the over/under on how many times this comment will elicit the whizzing sound of a joke going over peole’s heads.

Gambling doesn’t ruin anything, it makes it more exciting. What’s more thrilling than knowing you might lose a finger or a hand if you lose a match!

NOW it’s a sport ;)