A good dog.
A good dog.
Great instincts on display here. He sees what the cat is planning and moves at just the right time to protect his owner.
That cat clearly picked up his pivot paw.
Glad that got nipped in the bud. Nothing worse than slanted journalism.
It’s sad but true. When a man is head football coach at the University of Tennessee, people tend to forget that you were also a lawyer, a senator, minority counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, an author, radio host, District Attorney on Law & Order, and candidate for President of the United States.
Or maybe he was a jerkoff college kid who grew up and matured in the past 20 years? Like nobody here did douchebag things when they were young.
Someone else puts your name on the sign in sheet
I hope Robert got a better tip than the usual bellman got for delivering the bags....
We all have our fetishes. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Why must you turn this comment section into a house of lies?
That’s the pose my girlfriend and I make right before we are about to go on to the dance floor at a wedding and embarrass ourselves.
Never let anyone tell you being famous doesn’t have its benefits.
Well, at least it’s not the worst thing to fall out of a Bengal’s pickup truck.
Attention people of Dallas: Bengals quarterback Andy Dalton desperately needs your help.
Of all people, you think he’d pass it once in awhile. You know...share the wealth.
Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.
Jolie Kerr just had a seizure.
Ya but did it predict the amount of soul crushing disappointment and then spirit lifting excitement that Patriots fans felt over the last five minutes of that game...
Manu: How bad is it Doc?