That is quite honestly a ridiculous statement. I hope that you never have an emergency and need to contact the police for assistance. Believe it or not, all police officers are not blood thirsty racists.
That is quite honestly a ridiculous statement. I hope that you never have an emergency and need to contact the police for assistance. Believe it or not, all police officers are not blood thirsty racists.
Maryland sucks.
Solid kinja
How is that ignorant? Don’t put yourself in that position. If he’s out with his friends at the bars or maybe back in San Angelo preparing for football season, he doesn’t get shot. That’s not ignorant or racist, is a fucking fact
Am I supposed to feel sorry for a guy that got killed as a result of breaking into a business?
Kinda sad FF8 is the red-headed step child of the PS1 Final Fantasies, Esthar was one of those first areas in a game where things felt truly huge. A bustling metropolis that really stood in stark contrast to the modern cities and towns of the earlier parts of the game.
It’s really hard to convey scale in games, even to…
Well maybe the kid shouldn’t have been trying to steal cars....I know death isn’t exactly what he deserved, but if he didn’t put himself in this position, it never would have happened.
Moral of the story, don’t steal shit, or run your car through a building, and you won’t get shot
I’m actually a little peeved with Steam’s refund system after recently purchasing ARK on a few friends’ recommendations. I gave the game a try, and after several hours of bad server connections, an unpleasant gameplay experience (player death due to server issues, faulty UI, etc), I contacted Valve about a refund. I…
Cooking? What’s that?
Terrence, I got some of the way through the first of these. First thought: wow, that sounds quite delicious. Next reality based thought: I am drunk ass hungry and I am sauté’ing in one pan, boiling to al dente in another, and then broiling some shit all together ... without starting a fire?? Come on dude. My mouth is…
So what you’re saying is that the NFL is punishing the Patriots for a thing that they cannot actually prove happened as the result of a human action, but very well could have been the result of nature?
What my sink looked like the last time I tried to chop veggies drunk.
You’re practically begging for a grease fire with those fried chicken skins (or maybe the drunks I know are just far less competent than you at 3 a.m.). Just lay them in a non-stick pan with a sprinkle of salt and put it over medium heat. The fat in the skins render out and you’re left with crisp pieces of fried…
I once cooked chicken strips for 14 hours. Needed extra ranch for those suckers.
Because most people listen to headlines only, as someone who has read the entirety of the Wells Report, the Wells Report in Context, the AEI study, the Headsmart Labs study (which, by the way, called the numbers correct months ago), and the appeal documents (haven’t sifted through the emails) it takes a lot of work to…
As is setting off fireworks when hammered. But you know what, people do it. You know why? Freedom, baby, freedom.
Considering Exponent’s findings here will now join their storied accomplishments of:
I would venture a guess that deep frying anything while totally obliterated is a bad idea.
I see you’ve overlooked my classic, “Fishsticks that you put in an oven that was too hot and then blacked out and woke up thinking you set your house on fire (I’m never drinking again).”
It’s pretty much a staple in my house.