
It depends on how you measure the backlash. If you’re talking about going into the streets and willing to literally fight the government, I think you’re right. And I would be in the street myself on that one. But, I think any ban on religion would bring both religious and non-religious people into the streets in a

Last year a Texas Rangers fan said, “Prince Fielder had 500 plate appearances last year. Unfortunately, 400 of them were at barbecue joints.”

Please tell me you’re named after the line from The Princess Bride?

Yeah, nothing teaches you the value of hard work and providing for oneself like growing up in a family so rich they can afford a full-time nanny.

A lot of our culture was different and the reasons for the ban may be different in our hypothetical situation, but we have a pretty good real life case study in the 20’s that just says some people would get mad, some people would be happy, and some people would get very rich from a now illegal trade.

Clandestine legacy porn sounds real fancy.

Bathroom ninja story:

Right to beer arms.

re. the FG kicker question, you’d also need like 12-15 surehanded WRs on your roster as the opposing team would onside kick it every chance they had. what would they care if you started on your 25 or their 40.

If the government tried to ban porn, we would all shrug, say “good luck with that”, and carry on as before.

Very poorly mimicked in New Vegas when you come out of the Doc’s house. Cmon I just drank out of that dude’s toilet. Why all the dramatic blinding light?

Cutting to the end doesn’t do it justice. That lead was held for like 10 minutes, then bad RNG and he’s done!

“a set of platformers about a blue robot who must fight against the evil entity who created him, Capcom.”

Now playing

Every time anything Megaman gets mentioned I think of this:

Can’t see many Bucs fan getting upset. Honestly, we’re just thrilled somebody took the time to write anything about the team.

John McKay coached the Bucs during a 26 game losing streak. Here are some of his best moments:

Not to mention the antibiotic resistant staph strain in the Bucs locker room is totally going to hybridize with an STD from Ybor city and will kill us all.

Some people are fans of the Tampa Bay Bucs. Many of them are strippers. The rest are very old.

Thanks for providing some content for the websites today Drew. I know you had this written probably weeks ago, but everyone else seems to have taken today off.

I love how this play was so amazingly awkward, even the official fell on his ass.