Saying bird and golf reminds me of this King of the Hill quote
Saying bird and golf reminds me of this King of the Hill quote
As an athlete myself, I get exactly what you are saying. Gaming non-stop is a non-athletic activity unless it actually requires you to use more than one part of your body to play it. Playing Battlefield 4 non-stop = non-athletic. Playing Dance Dance Revolution at a top level with the dancepad or the arcade’s dance…
haha, calling them athletes is pushing it. I don’t really consider golf a sport, and they are 1000 times more of an athlete than any MLG player. Hell, you don’t even have to be in shape to play baseball.
gamers are not athletes. it’s all good to have this argument behind your computer but try making your point in real life. you will get laughed at because no rational person sees a gamer as an athlete or gaming as a sport. it’s sad how badly you want that athlete label. i am not saying they are not skilled, they are,…
Just take a step back from your discussion on semantics and consider what you’re saying. That sitting at the computer is in the same category as playing tennis. If you want to define physical activity so broadly then the term loses its meaning since nearly everything will fit in that term.
Why does epsorts players need go legitimise their efforts through the metric of other people. That’s what jI really don’t get about your posts. You’re tying yourself into knots trying to argue that sitting at a computer is a physical activity comparable to playing tennis. That’s just silly.
Anyone can do those activities (play ball, golf, swim, run a marathon, car racing in a physically grueling activity in nascar conditions) and get their physical activity in for the day. Doctors who tell you to get in more physical activity will tell you to do all those types of things. The difference is that people…
Are those participating in academic competitions athletes? They have to write quickly and precisely, and their mental capabilities are being tested. In fact, they even have to walk quickly to turn in their answers.
Horse racing requires physically exerting your entire body, not just ten fingers and right wrist.
It isn’t irrelevant, because those injuries are being cited as proof that gaming requires enough physical demand as to be considered a physical activity. This article certainly seems to be implying that type of correlation. But those are all injuries no different from sedentary activities, and gaming itself is a…
One way to think of it: when someone asks you if you’re athletic, what do you think of before you answer? Has anyone ever answered yes to that question because they play video games? Come on.
Dude, let it go. They wanna think of themselves as athletes for playing games, so just let them. Sensible people agree with you.
Your definition includes chess players and you think office work is athletic even though though the sedentary nature of those types of jobs are leading to world health problems. And despite the fact that physicality of athletes is the primary thing emphasized by literally every dictionary, you think it’s all that…
Would you consider a skilled office worker an athlete, business can be very competitive? A typist? Someone who is agile is someone who is fast, you can have fast fingers without being a fast person. Literally everything we do uses a physical part of our bodies, that’s really pushing the definition. You might as well…
Those are all non-athletic sports. There is more than one type of sport. All athletes are sportsman but not all sportsman are athletes.
My point is that it’s not physical, so it’s a non-athletic sport. Your argument was that athlete had nothing to do with being physical. Not a single dictionary agreed with you.
Chess players are not atheletes either. They are chess players, and then professionals are grandmasters. Grand Master is a cooler title than athlete anyway, tbh.
If a bunch of dudes(or ladies, or ladydudes, w/e) sit in a circle and diddle themselves together and whoever finishes first wins, are they now athletes too? :D
Esports doesn’t make you an athlete... Being a gamer doesn’t make you a athlete.... maybe in the virtual realm but not in real life...