
Since they are referring to the team and not the Nation as a whole, have should be used over has. Just sounds and is incorrect. Rather it’s comparing apples to oranges.

Not quite. Maybe hundreds of millions. Pretty certain most of the world still finds football/soccer the most banal sport besides basketball.

The first amendment, unfortunately, will protect them. 200 years of cases siding with people like Alex Jones has laid down a pretty firm definition of the 1st Amendment.

The parents are the ones who will loose out on this. They will have to pay that scum bags legal fees when he wins. Just like what happened when they sued the gun manufacturers and lost.

Im guessing you are trolling or wear tin foil hats.

Except he’s protected by the Constitution. Most notably the Bill of Rights. What you suggest is fascism.

The Constitution? That’s what he’s using. May want to read it. Especially the 1st Amendment.

Nice to know fascism is still alive and well in the United States.

The only problem the lawyers of the parents of the two children have to prove is that his speech is not protected under the first amendment. Which it unfortunately is and those parents are just reaching for straws to pass blame.

Dont need any legal direction. It’s already the “drivers” fault. There still has to be someone behind the wheel in these vehicles.

No. That would not be the case in all states and territories. The person behind the wheel would be 100% at fault. Even if there was software running the vehicle, a human still has to be behind the wheel. Tesla owners are still 100% responsible since they have the ability to over ride the autopilot. Just like these

Actually it is common for all races besides Chinese. Caucasians especially. They call them white devils over there. It’s a general culture of mistrusting strange races, especially white folks who subjugated them using opium for 200 years.

Heard of the Holocaust? Jewish people as property. That was 76 years ago? That was a bit worse than anything anywhere else to any one people. It was the attempt to completely kill off an entire race of people.

Wow. Someone needs to not read his bigotry and rascism into the Constitution. No one did at the time. Why should you use, a sin on history, historiography to screw and twist things so it fits your modern sensibilities. You have lost all credibility, 911ducktail, if anyone was dumb enough to have agreed with you,

I’m guessing you aren’t familiar with the Warren Court and desegregation and integration and all sorts of fun stuff that climates rascism until you, 911ducktail, were brainwashed to be a rascist bigot by he garbage you saw on TV.

Is this comment seriously on the internet?

Neither do people who froth at the mouth over racism and sexism. You are a bigot if you believe there is a problem, today. Being party of the problem is not the answer.

I didn’t know God was a misogynistic shitheel

Who would have seen this? The 30 people behind them who really really love low energy layup driven basketball?

Yeah, they are neeling during the anthem.