Trains are racist now
Trains are racist now
Aw, are your delicate fee-fees hurt?
Every article ever on this godless site: White people are racist, republicans are racist [ties this loosely into sports-topic] “SEE LOSERS WE’RE WINNING AND DRUMPF IS OVER!”
Isn’t Lauren Theisen a dude?
You’re a loser LOL
Horribly written, actually.
awww, how charmingly prejudiced from the woke commentariot of HilarySpin
She’s not going to sleep with you dude.
Hurts white peoples “fee fees”: “Be tougher”
At his point, my favorite conspiracy theory is that this site is that it is an underground operation to get Trump re-elected in 2020. Imagine writing something like this about CLEARLY bad-faith racist tweets and thinking any normal person reading wouldn’t be totally pushed away towards the other side. Call a spade a…
Serious question: Why not leave America if it is so bad? I’ve seen this asked hundreds of times, but none of the hem and haw’ers can ever give me an answer... Interested to hear your thoughts, Mikey.
REEEEEEE Trump - Everyday Jalopnik continues to become Gawker. Let the layoffs begin!
What a fucking stupid take - just like the rest of socialism!
This is a FIRE take. Love it, keep them coming!
Imagine being a person who tries to argue that this godless site isn’t totally liberal in both content and readers... HuffPost is also neutral, right sweetie?
Did anyone stop to think that maybe Shady just left something Delicias in the refrigerator that he didn’t want someone else to eat?
Ah, there’s the downside of being an entity owned by Gizmodo, the Daily Stormer for progressives.
Surely this article will be the first step in galvanizing the country and bringing everyone together to understand each other’s plight!