
Weird, it’s almost like there was some guy between the 43rd and 45th POTUS’ who continued this policy - to much less fanfare and media attention than today... *thinking emoji*

“14 Heartbreaking Photos That Will Make You Say ‘Fuck Having Borders and Law and Rules’”

Idea: Rename this site to Trumpspin - it’s literally every other article!

Our “Journalism”/Media Saviors vs. Woke Hil-Dawg slappy for the Gawker Victimhood Title Belt!

Huh, wonder how Gawker would have framed this had she been of another religion with a similar position on the issue? Hint: differently

Hello, please explain how the statement: “Both Mexico and Europe’s targets seem designed to punish Trump voters and red states specifically, a level of surgical precision that appears genuinely thought out” is not meddling in foreign politics? Thanks in advance. (Muh Russians!!!)

He was wrong, I’m not tired of winning yet.

Hashtags don’t work on Kinja and your resistance doesn’t work in real life :)


So Classy, guys!



I am sorry for whoever hurt you. It must be awful going through life like this.

Oh, the irony.


Yeah, remember when she and her husband petitioned to not allow brown kids into their children’s school? Typical liberal NIMBY attitude


Imagine being in favor of NOT having a sexual offenders list... there has never been one sentence published on this god-forsaken website that I agree with. (Ad-blocker saves me from contributing anything to their revenue model)

who hurt you?