
This is horrible. This is unconscionable. Mental illness is a severe problem in the black community, but this is the first I have read of a black woman killing her adult children and then herself in this way. We may never know if she didn’t leave a note an email or anything as to why.

And removing the stigma around seeking mental health treatment.

I remember reading an article talking about how in the past white supremacists would go on about how Africans were less evolved, closer to monkeys etc. Then when the news came out about Africans being basically the only people in the world who DIDNT mix with less evolved species, suddenly there was all this hemming

I think she meant PHYSICALLY against blacks, as in, she doesn’t want to be physically next to a black person. I think...

I would consider a cocaine dealer who promised me it would make me immune to sunburn to be too sketchy to buy from 

Alkali baby asprin

Jesus Christ I can hear the Sam Adams in that comment.

VEGAN baby aspirin.

TB12 brand cocaine is just baby aspirin.

I was born in New Hampshire and lived there until I was 23. Cocaine should probably be legal because there isn't much else to do. 

Was it at least TB12 brand cocaine?

Brown cannot wait to catch passes from Landry Jones again.

He got a grace period, the article is wrong. Last year was his grace period, just like Rodgers and Brady.

Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?

Sorry but Airlines are not the business hill I would choose to defend. Saying people shouldn’t book these tickets because they are taking away possible seats from other passengers is ridiculous in a business that regularly over-sells seats and punishes paying customers based on this practice. When airlines start

Exactly, they don’t even want to sell it just showcase it for all the potential buyers driving off the lot in their camrys.

They all come with manuals.   The problem is that they are in the glovebox and start off with explained how to get the car out of Park.

You could have had a C8! 

Hot take: they know it won’t sell at that price, but they know the “news” coverage from having “the most expensive Supra in teh country!!” will be better than making a sale.