
Technically, if you set a time and day to meet up with someone someplace, it’s a date. It may not be a romantic flowers and special table for two with hopes it will go somewhere date, but you and your pal agree that you’re going to go somewhere together on a certain . . . date . . . it’s a date.

Now playing

Super run by Coburn and Frerichs. It’s been a strange, but very enjoyable, world championships. The bizarre piece of this event was provided by one of the Kenyans who forgot they were running the steeplechase on the first lap.

Stop trying to put a label on bags.

Always steeplechase truthers.

If you think about it hard enough, running is just coordinated and repeated kicking of the ground.

I saw running... no kicking

Oh great, so not calling a briefcase or attache a purse is now homophobic.

He should sue his employer. That’s what my wife did when she got a bulging dick in her lower back. Now we’ve got four cars and a vacation house in Tahoe.

Retiree Moves to Miami

Cutler’s the union factory worker who takes the new guy aside and says “Stop working so hard, kid, you’re making us all look bad ...”

If you had the Bears coaches you would ignore them too

And what does it say about this guy that he had an agreement with Fox and then just turned his back on them?

Well, the NFL is always being ruined by those obnoxious tryhards anyway. Cutler always looks exactly how i feel during Monday schedule meetings.

I love me some Bey, but she looks like a woman who had kids to me. And by that, I mean, she looks like a woman.

never forget

“Hold my beer”
- The Bears

Fumbles beer
- The Jets

Recovers beer, chugs beer, shouts “69", spikes beer into ground
- Gronk

Let us ask ourselves if we can imagine any scenario where Michael Jordan would apply criteria to this discussion that in any way might threaten his assumed position at the top of a ranking of modern NBA players.

He actually did get a call from the HOF but it was dropped

Sammy Sosa simply refuses to pick a race

At least they got Rafael AT&T’s name right.