
They’ll probably do worse. They’ll probably firebomb his office. . . oh wait.

It’s crazy that in the last roughly decade the 3 longest championship droughts have ended.

Where are the violations from 1990 (Clery Act enacted) until 2008?

I’ll believe it when I see butler locked up with a big deal.

they are trading away a better LB (unless he wants to play however he wants) than anyone else they will be able to field for him. This team is a SB contender and needs all of the talent it has for it. This is really perplexing, but if anyone can make it work it is Bill Belichick.

Not when the pick is at the end of the 3rd. A 3rd round pick at the end is basically worth a 3rd in 2018. An early 3rd will net you a 2nd.

It should have been.

The problem with voting is that we now are so diverse as a country, it is nearly impossible to agree on a standard. On one side, you have the conspirators that believe the government is rigging stuff. The same people think a government id is used to track people.

Much like Hillary doesn’t know what the word ‘classified’ means.

This is purely conspiracy. What does a receipt actually tell you? Nothing.


Yes. People are easily the weakest security flaw. And fixing that is impossible.

No one believes in nukes, especially after the atrocity of what happened in WW2. That said, ignorance of what happens if you give the worlds nuclear armament power to Russia (or another such state) is unacceptable. The real deterrence to the use of nuclear weapons is the idea that in hours your entire country could be

‘Will this person be jumping ship in a few years/months?’

Wait until you can pay to pick up someone from the waiver wire and then start them magically on Monday when they played Sunday.

Except with the Brexit, the only people that are worse off are in Europe. Financially, the UK is doing better than ever.

It would be hard to lose more women than Trump already has. There are plenty of women that are pro-life. If anything, it might go up.

No, the Republicans created this Frankencandidate, and created a space in which all Trump’s jingoistic, racist, misogynist rants could latch on and grow.


hell... he’s doing a good job of selling a HRC presidency to the US.