
Except poor Gendry, who is still rowing his boat somewhere...

So... my theory (or at least the one I came up with by myself, though others probably have as well) is that he will be lead the White Walkers. The title of the book series is “A Song of Fire and Ice.” It’s pretty clear that Daenerys Targaryen is the fire side of the story and it wouldn’t take much to thin Jon SNOW is

I really doubt she will be a main character for long. Her last name is Stark.

It provides a distraction for the Lannister’s, which is important to the development of the North. If the Lannister’s were not busy going after Dorne, they would likely crush Ramsay Bolton. Is it a good story? Not really. Did I enjoy the hell out of the nude scene with Tyene Sand? Hell yes!

Maybe she doesn’t like the consequences of raising the dead. Or maybe she has to be the sacrifice for him.

Two words: Red Wedding.

Next up: Johnny Replacements

Depends on how bad the sprain is. If it’s grade-1, he might play the next game. If it’s grade 3, he may not play the rest of the year.

I agree.

You pretty much described post-Orlando Dwight Howard.

Savage. Just Savage. But I’d buy a pair of Nike’s if they had the balls to put that clip of Curry slipping on the court as their commercial with a fade to black with white Nike swoosh with the words “Gotta be the shoes.”

I’m 100% that guy. When I see someone in their pre-40 years (post 10 or so) with rollers (especially rolling backpacks...), I think “and that’s why there are so many fat/obese people”.

I’m 100% that guy. When I see someone in their pre-40 years (post 10 or so) with rollers (especially rolling

But when you tell that to people who bought houses before the housing crash... it wasn’t their fault?!?!

So your for school vouchers, too? Glad to know Republicans and Democrats can agree on something...

The NY Times pays for its content and publishes it under the name of the NY Times.

His problem isn’t substance abuse. It’s affluenza. He lives in a world outside of the real one because he was so rich.

The best thing he could do for the Lakers at this stage in his career is pass on playing anymore.

You’re not wrong, but a forever alone bench player in the NBA could put up near 60 if given the opportunity to jack it up 83 times. (50 2s, 21 3s, and 12 FTs)

Kobe shot the ball at the basket 83 times in 1 game... (50 2s, 21 3s, and 12 FT). Eighty Three times. And only got 60. And people wonder why he’s done.

So much what you just said. So much that.