
That doesn’t mean it would have been a bad trade for Philly. Some trades are win/win. Mariota fits Chip Kelly’s offense. The Eagles would have to have done some work on the defense with less in the draft, but it could have been workable.

For as much as people shit on Tebow, he had better passing stats than Manning did last year (and through stretches of the year before). And that’s not accounting for his running. Yes. I just said that Tebow would have been a better QB than Manning. That said, it really doesn’t matter much who the QB is when the

They probably pushed it back to release alongside The Last Guardian...

The pc cost is a non-factor. If you don’t already own a PC nearly that good, you are not going to invest in a rift or vive. If you are close, you might upgrade. And if you have it, you have nothing to worry about. Similarly, if you have a PS4, you will likely invest in one of these if you want VR. And I’ll bet you

I am just guessing, but my gut says that there will be a bigger problem with first person: your brain will think you are moving when your body isn’t and it will make you sick, at least for gamers that play stationary.

OK... old man. (I really think if you stop drinking by 5pmish and drink water/gatorade(r), you’ll be fine by the next day)

They’d still have a quarterback better than JaMarcus Russell.

He made up for later when he got his shots off early from all the blowjobs.

Why would GS want him when they can take Durant and just print championship trophies?

Change the administrator username to something that does not include “admin” in it.

The reason why there is a logjam is because guys like Harrison get in over guys like Owens. Which is why Harrison gets so defensive when Owens says he was snubbed.


I’m honestly surprised they have girlfriends and/or wives. Maybe that’s what I’m doing wrong. I’m not sending pictures of my dick to every woman who even remotely tickles my fancy.

Trent Baalke has blackmail on Jed York.

If I were going to believe a 9/11 conspiracy, it would be with the relatively new owners of the towers getting a relatively recent HUGE insurance policy put in place and then watching 2 planes fly into them. Hell, even going as far as enabling Al-Qaeda to do it.

He’s actually really smart. He knows what he’s doing. He’s a bit hotheaded, but he knows what he’s doing. The issue is that what he’s doing is just bigoted.

This might be my one conspiracy. I really believe that there are a number of very influential owners that want nothing more than to overemphasize details that sound big to the average football watcher to generate HUGE news about the ‘cheating patriots’ to make them look bad.

Would never happen because the campaigns cost billions, but... there is no precedent nor is there any idea what would happen. A potential runoff of other candidates might occur. The house might appoint someone in interim. Hell. The aliens might just come for us.

And I thought I was the only person crazy enough to believe something like this. . .

Says the boring person. . .