Dez Bona

The more I see Dotard used the more right it feels.

It’s made a comeback somehow, my buddy got iced at a bar in Chicago by some random college chick. I had to walk outside the bar because I was too embarassed to be in the presence of that bullshit.

Can my reasons for not watching be that almost every game is awful?

Woah now let’s not get crazy.

Its more like “If somebody has a reason to hate you, give them more reasons, never ever stop giving them reasons.”

The Samson guy is out the door anyway, and since Jeter’s idiotic posse doesn’t own the team yet can’t they just tell Jeter to fuck off and not fire them? I’d make Jeter deal with it or much more likely make Jeter find somebody else to fire his employees.

Your lack of continuity pisses me off.

The reason is obvious. The disparity in talent is huge..... I mean USC and Texas are big time programs....

You can’t be that stupid...

I’m looking forward to when the NFL builds their own jails.

I honestly think his chin may be more impressive than his power, he has taken punches that look like they should cave his face in and he doesn’t even blink as he keeps walking forward. I wouldn’t be surprised if a punch one day tears off the skin around his eye revealing a bright red light and the fact that he is

Glad I’m not the only one to ever look at a dog popping a squat outside and thought “You lucky bastard.”

Nope, just saying my 47 month old bloodhound can both woof and bark.

No, dogs both woof and bark. A woof is typically lower in tone and more drawn out, while a bark is typically quicker, higher pitched, and often followed closely by other barks. I would argue in this particular case it’s more of a bark rather than a woof, but dogs do both.

Better airflow through the nostrils.

“The unmitigated gall of Teddy Atlas, whom need I remind you is a man I used to highly respect, but the unmitigated gall of this man Teddy Atlas to even suggest that the quality of this fight, this brilliamt fight, was somehow tainted by the judges scorecard is absolutely and categorically ridiculous!”

Thats fine but this game was shit compared to other college football games. I mean Florida might contend for an SEC championship and they are literally better off punting on 1st down than even trying to attempt offense. It’s pathetic, sad, and frankly perplexing that they can be so bad and still relevant.

It was a really cool moment, I loved the KC pitcher at the end looking around and taking it all in.

I think the best deterrent would be to brutally execute them on the field... But your idea is probably more logical.

Jim Tressel is a pretty good man to be honest.