Dez Bona

In which case he will fight again and make like 50 million off all the people that want to see him get knocked out. All the Mayweather bashing articles just help him in the end.

This isn’t an action movie, he isn’t speaking English.

I mean people shouldn’t of ripped him and he got through it in his second language, which is very commendable, but can we not pretend that it was good?

Yeah, I don’t want to defend people bashing him but if you just happened to catch his sideline report without any background on who he is (like I did) it was laughingly bad. I did research and kind of respect the guy after figuring out he was doing the whole thing in his second language but people who didn’t were

Not sure what the Kindergarten jest is about, but I agree it’s unfair. I just don’t think it’s as easy as just making it banned for everybody when it currently isn’t and experts think people need it to simply function normally. Right or wrong I think the current perception is that it’s not an enhancement but rather a

The sunday night theme is some unimaginative bullshit. Everytime I hear “Ohhhhhh Sunday Nighhhhhhtttttt” I get frustrated and change the channel and get sucked into Con Air or some other standard network tv movie until I remember football is on and turn back 15 minutes later.

Not saying she shouldn’t be allowed to take it but it would definitely give her an edge on the competition. It is prescribed speed. I was given a prescription for it a few years ago in college and my first day taking it I went to mow the lawn and ended up mowing, trimming, painting our fence, building wooden flower

It is very hard to argue that ritalin wouldn’t give her an edge up on the competition. However, it’s also hard to argue that when a doctor has prescribed a medication for something that is currently being called a disorder you shouldn’t be excused and allowed to take it.

NOLA feels neglected.

I’m from Columbus and an ohio state fan and I kind of loved it. We beat there asses last year and did some cocky shit and they beat our asses this year and did some cocky shit. I’m just pissed because I don’t think the game is going to happen next year and it was starting to become a hated rivalry. It was fun.

Cushing reminds me so much of that huge guy that Brad Pitt kills in the beginning of Troy. He’s suppose to be this great warrior and and yells a lot and acts super intense, then he runs out to fight and immediately gets killed.

The supplies would get intercepted.

A surfers thoughts on Darwin and others like him:

Joe Pa got the death penalty.

Gotta love Goodell.

Ryan Fitzpatrick went to harvard though.

Yeah my labs figured this out and they no longer have any fear of it. If they break out front they book it through the fence without any hesitation and head straight for the neighbor’s chickens. I’m pretty sure they plot this shit because they only bum rush the open door (when I’m carrying in grocerys or whatever)

The will absolutely not drop their age limit for this kid. That’s wishful thinking. He will either sit out a year or two, which is stupid, or go play overseas which would probably be the next best thing other than playing in college. The other option is for him to go play in the Big 3 league which would be both

I can’t tell if everybody who plays that crap has blown speakers or if that’s just in the song’s mix.

How is it possible to fuck up everything this bad all of the time? It’s honestly one of the most incredible things I have ever witnessed.