Dez Bona

Thats a bit ridiculous to request and would make the game unplayable. It usually takes me 20 minutes to clean my shotgun. It would take me an hour or two to both skin and field dress a deer (I know a lot of people who could do it faster but still).

The point of it isn’t to make the tiny details as realistic as

It seems kind of silly to give judgement on a game or a developer when you are clearly not a part of the target audience.

So I was playing yesterday and I just want to share what happened because it was a genuinely incredible experience.

Exactly. It isn’t a drag to play at all and all of the mechanics have worked perfectly for me. The problem is the people playing it and how modern video games have shaped their thoughts on what a game should play like. It’s like taking a guy who watches nothing but YouTube videos to watch a 3 hour drama at the

Shorts and sweater guy seems to have made some actually decent decisions though. I know they are getting a lot of shit for the Gorden trade and they probably could have done better but other than that he is making decisions that seem right to me... A lot of his signings made big plays yesterday and Denzel Ward, who

I would star your post but the mobile site doesn’t let me...

If he misspeaks once it becomes a worldwide scandal that is discussed by ESPN until the end of time. Of course he is calculated in what he says... It doesn’t make any sense to me why that would devalue what he says though.

The hire should of been fired a long time ago by the university for his actions. Meyer mishandled the situation and then messed up in media days by basically saying he didn’t know anything about it. That's why he is getting a slap on the wrist with the suspension.

That’s intense, I’m glad they are both ok. You gotta love the calm Dad voice just giving instructions as they drive through a fiery oblivion of nightmares that can most accurately be described as hell on earth...

That statue is really aging well though. He looks more like it every year. 

We used to have “dust-ups” or whatever in high school during scrimmages. I’d always just grab the other guys face mask with both hands and jerk their head around until they stopped. It probably wasn’t safe at all but we were being taught football by an alcoholic drivers-ed teacher who once told us to leave a concussed

Thats why the Lebron move to LA seems so smart to me. He is basically punting, and rightfully so. He is going to a great place where he can get his empire outside of basketball going in full swing, enjoy beautiful scenery and fully enjoy an over-the-top lifestyle, and maybe even win another championship in a couple

Lebrons not even top 20 all-time, he wouldn't last 5 minutes in Kobe's era. 

I got called a “gay nut hugger” in an ESPN comment section once because I said that Lebron had a solid playoffs. I’m going to miss reading that comment section and immediately wishing for a meteor to kill all of us. 

It’s going to be very interesting to see if the refs actually enforce this. If they actually go by the rule they’ll be able to call a penalty on any RB on just about any run.

He looks very uncomfortable.

Nah raisins are solid, no saturated fat or cholesterol and full of iron, potassium, and fiber. Just because they’re high in calories doesn’t make them unhealthy. Nuts are another example of this, a lot of calories but huge health benefits.

Does anybody else think they are dead and just living in some fucked up alternate-reality, post-death purgatory thing? I dunno man, sometimes I just see shit and walk around confused for the rest of the day, this is a prime example.

I think the main problem is still KD whenever the game is close in the final minutes....

I too love butts.