Dez Bona

“I feel like I could come up with a better gameplay than this team.”

Maybe I’m just unlucky with the console I got but my day 1 PS4 is a better system than my Xbone S I got last year and it’s not even close. On the Xbone I constantly get signed out randomly and booted out of games, updates randomly stop downloading, and the home dashboard and keyboard lag like crazy (to the point where

OJ as the terminator would of made the latest Terminator movies far more interesting (Assuming the actual murders would of still happened). Imagine instead of a young CGI Arnold, we get a CGI OJ time-traveling and killing people. It would blur the lines of reality and fiction and up the scare factor for the audience

Woah, woah, woah. The guy announced where he was going to play basketball on TV, raising millions of dollars for charity in the process....

It was sarcasm I assume.

I really, really like the pick.... I don’t think him being cocky and having one drunken arrest in college automatically makes him Johnny Manziel. I would also really prefer a guy who is fiery and overly-confident to the pasty, walking cliche-spewers that are the other QBs in the draft not named Jackson... Just my two

I don’t love that it is likely an effective marketing strategy though.

I remember I picked up my sister and baby nephew late at the airport one night and was driving back on fast backcountry roads to our parent’s farm when a big raccoon came across the road, I hit it with no hesitation (not a big deal in my F-150). The funny part was my sister, who is very concerned with animal welfare,

I’ve watched maybe 5 thunder games all year including last night’s and during every single one I’ve thought to myself the thunder would be better without Melo. He doesn’t add anything other than scoring and from what I’ve seen he doesn’t even add that most nights. Those last couple pull-up bricks in the final minutes

Georgetown? That’s the most Duke looking recruit I’ve seen all year, it must be the blue “Devils” on his jersey though and definitely not anything else.

I actively root against the Rockets just because of the way Harden plays (I’m sure I’m not the only one). I actually like CP3 but would prefer he fails miserably just to see Harden choke in the playoffs again.

I think it’s also why he hasn’t found success in big time playoff games though... The refs let the players go a bit more in the playoffs and the defense is much less lazy and lackadaisical. That’s not a good recipe for Harden’s bullshit brand of basketball.

Chill out dude. Cleveland has a bunch of shitty people in it... Just like every single big city on the globe. Maybe don’t hate the entire city but rather the racist assholes in it instead.

Who honestly gives a shit?

Dat NY market doe.

I mean yeah, maybe. It’s still better than most other college coaches is my point and probably the best thing for the fucked over players within the constraints of the current system.

I’ve always felt that the thing that sets Calipari apart is that he both accepts the shittyness of the system and actually tries to help his players do what’s individually best for them within it. He doesn’t preach the bullshit that kids need to come back to get a degree when it’s their life goal to play in the NBA.

Did you forget 2 years ago when he beat a team that was clearly better than his? I’m trusting playoff Lebron (who is an extraterrestrial) over playoff raptors (who have a history of pooping the bed).

“They are the best team in the Eastern Conference, and, barring injury, I do not expect any team in the Eastern Conference to stand between them and an appearance in the NBA Finals.”