Dez Bona


But.. But... That quarterback from Buttfuckery State has such an efficient throwing motion along with a real mind for the game!

You’re confident that I’m the one who needs an outlet for my anger?

I’m starting to question my buddy from Carolina who said that Jesus Christ was a former Duke basketball player who learned his morals from Coach K...

Yeah! You’ve won a bunch of sports games! Therefore, we “sad little fuck boys” can’t question a morally bankrupt decision exhibited by a man who always spews bullshit about how he is a teacher of young men and not just a basketball coach.

Nothing makes me sicker than kind Canadians. I mean where do they get off? Clapping for us and our flag when we just beat their asses at their sport? Seriously fuck you Canada and your pure goodness.

Face to fist strategy, how’d you like it?

Dude, I’m a cardinal fan...

You knew rivers was going to have the ball going for the win with less than 5 minutes to play, since that is what happens in basically every single chargers game.

I’m fine with the insensitivity, the joke itself may be a bit old and overplayed though.

I believe he cried as well.

Now playing

I actually really liked the No Mans Sky soundtrack. The game was, uh, not great... But I did find the music to be exceptional, and it perfectly fit the wondrous, unknowing feeling the game was going for.

Now playing

The solution is so simple... bypass the compressor. This is how things should’ve gone:

But why would you smoke weed when the NFL provides an almost limitless amount of addictive and dangerous painkillers? I mean seriously guys, is weed so important that you are willing to risk ending your career for it?

All I could think about the whole game...

They need to have a Sager Day in the NBA now. All of the players wear outrageous suits to the games and they auction them off for cancer research. It would be a cool way to remember Sager and would be a lot of fun for everybody.

I’m fairly certain that they were referring to the comments of the previous article, not the article itself... That’s what my reading conprehension told me.

Pryor was catching balls from who? RG3? Yeah that could be the reason he didn’t have a great day...

Nah man that stuff is dangerous and addictive... the player’s should really stick to painkillers.