Der Weiße Engel

I think that was a question on my son’s Common Core exam (Kindergarten)

A little off topic, but I love how they give you the idea that you can do stairs without evening having to bend your back. Let me know if you find 45º steps in a modern house, heh.

A little off topic, but I love how they give you the idea that you can do stairs without evening having to bend your

You really ought to go to both places before you write a brainfart like that.

Yeah if we really cared about democracy and freedom we’d support regime change in Bahrain like in Iraq, Syria, and Libya because that turned out so well for them and us. When you are signing up, shooter?

So, that explains this?

The same could be said for American musicians who provide private perform for these losers, meanwhile all they care about is the money instead of the the peace they sing about.

So THAT’s what’s meant by doing the “horizontal mamba”.

It appears that Prince will get involved to some degree, bringing much-needed cash

Not pictured: third black mamba male buying the female a drink while the first two battle it out.

Go on and laugh it up. I actually participated in this particular ritual and, to this day, it stands out as one of the best days of my life simply because I didn’t have to run everywhere anymore.

+1 for the loose tooth anecdote. That’s a real Dad Move right there.

My dad’s preferred method of splinter removal was to whip out his buck knife and just dig at it until it was removed, usually resulting in a minor wound that hurt worse than the splinter did.

Incidentally, we tried really hard not to complain about splinters in his presence. The same went for loose teeth, thanks to

Do you not understand that a big part of the problem is that, even while stopped at a light, texting in the car distracts the driver from what they are supposed to be paying attention to - such as traffic lights? Just because you are stopped at a red light, that does not mean you are not obligated to pay attention to

As long as you don't wrong their necks.

And then you suddenly snap out of the trance and realize you’ve been sitting there for a couple seconds and hastily proceed through the intersection and then get smashed. The point is to never lose situational awareness while piloting a multi-ton chunk of metal and flammable liquid. If you want to play around with

That’s a good question, Engel. People change due to life circumstances and are always in flux. Adding children, health issues, work/life balance, family, and social commitments to the mix will change up prioritization in no particular order.

He’s just preparing for the proletarian revolution, obviously.

Based on activists like Leonardo dicaprio, I guess we should own several mansions and many expensive cars each, and fly in private jets at every opportunity. Oh, yeah. And make speeches about stopping fossil fuel use.

I don’t think you understand how this works. The only correct response is:

I think your miss reading the chart. All it says is that the odds in those to states for a warmer or cooler than normal summer are equal. It than shows the odds that the rest of the US (excluding Hawaii) has better odds to be warmer than normal than colder than normal. It does not indicate how much warmer than normal,