You really ought to go to both places before you write a brainfart like that.
Yeah if we really cared about democracy and freedom we’d support regime change in Bahrain like in Iraq, Syria, and Libya because that turned out so well for them and us. When you are signing up, shooter?
The same could be said for American musicians who provide private perform for these losers, meanwhile all they care about is the money instead of the the peace they sing about.
It appears that Prince will get involved to some degree, bringing much-needed cash
+1 for the loose tooth anecdote. That’s a real Dad Move right there.
My dad’s preferred method of splinter removal was to whip out his buck knife and just dig at it until it was removed, usually resulting in a minor wound that hurt worse than the splinter did.
Incidentally, we tried really hard not to complain about splinters in his presence. The same went for loose teeth, thanks to…
That’s a good question, Engel. People change due to life circumstances and are always in flux. Adding children, health issues, work/life balance, family, and social commitments to the mix will change up prioritization in no particular order.
The worst part is you’ll now have to hear from the most vile group of people at your school about how much better they are than the most vile group of people from the school down the road. That should be fun.
I’ll add not listening to your contractor or forcing them to cut corners because you’re tight. Don’t redo one room’s floor if it’s not going to look good transitioning to the next room, just redo everything, or at least plan it in stages so by the last stage it all looks good. Someone I know just dropped a lot on…
That’s great but where’s the apology for making them attend a Padres game?
+1 Francis Scott Off-Key
We don’t eat what you call pancakes.
You mean pancakes? We call them pancakes.
It’s taken the better part of 3 decades but I can finally tell when Andres Cantor is genuine in his excitement over his signature “gooooool!” call and when he is going through the motions and faking it.
Yet you apparently took the time to read the article and comment.
Fighting on the shoulder of the BQE while wearing a jogging suit has to be the most New York thing ever.
I can only assume afterwards both the assailants went their separate ways, had terrible pizza for lunch, dropped off their $2500 rent checks, and were then murdered for their gold chains.
Dad's a piston, and little kids sure are spark plugs, but shouldn't mom be a cylinder?